CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

Good work that send it , in WEB format ;-)

F18 Confirmed

Horse Power for ship cards would be cool too

I really hope we can see longer range SAMs/AA this update and this year I feel like im kinda helpless without trying to research the pantsir

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How is an aircraft that will already be really mid at 13.7 going to help cope with the 14.0 EFT/Rafale.

Don’t you worry. The EFT and Rafale will feed on the F/A-18C.


I just saw a video where its bustle autoloader reloads in 4 seconds- and now I’m more interested than ever, hahah.

Apparently, it has the same mobility as ZTZ-99A, which is amazing too.

That being said, it’s a 105mm gun, probably has weak armor (which makes sense, since it’s a Light Tank) and most likely won’t be getting its spall liners, just like every other top tier Chinese tank, so it’s not like it will be broken either.

Regarding China, I’m looking forward more to those new SAMs.

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Lmao, F18 isn’t even in the game yet, but people already claim it will be bad

And yet US mains are apparently coping because they can’t compete with the EF and Rafale?

The majority of people are literally saying the F/A-18C will be DoA because it lacks the thrust, top speed, and energy retention to compete.

You simply want to put words in people’s mouth and bash on US mains. Chill out man.


Just saying, the F-15E can still compete.
Then you take a gander at top tier Russia and its all midmobiles at best.


Or we could just not be rude to a group of people we know nothing about. Whether you were joking or not, you are presenting 2 conflicting ideas for the sake of being divisive.

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you have to realise that the BMD arty playstyle is really map dependant and doesnt work most of the time and is really luck based. My friends and I tried to do something similar with the br1.0 15cmsturmhaubitze and that really didnt work and we gave up because we were more effective at just going into LoS shooting

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I believe Sdkfz 124 Wespe is more fitting. Screw hornet fans, they can wait. Ww2 groud enjoyers need justice for that M44 copypaste slop.



I too love the Wespe (as i already wrote some time ago on this topic), the Hummel is also kind of fitting, Bumblebees also have a stinger.
I suggested both vehicles on the forum, i too hope for the Wespe, tho is it really fitting from the writing? Are there really so many people looking forward to it? Isnt it a bit too nieche for the hint?


would be better than any WW1 cruiser like Stuttgart or german Strassburg light cruiser - but I would prefer french battlecruiser Strasbourg

Everyone assuming the F 18 Hornet, when we really know the vehicle would be the Humber Hornet smh.

Le giga HESH missiles time to shine! xD


So funny it its just israeli musqito

It’s a 1 trick pony. It’s pretty slow for a 4th gen, it dumps all of it’s speed when turning and can’t really get it back.

Legit the 1 thing it’s good at is first turn, after that it will get dogged on by the EFT and Rafale. It only takes 2 braincells to know that it’ll just be another mid 13.7.


I find the topic of the Recycle items very minimal on its information.
so 2:1 conversion rate, but i would like it specified if:

  • as shown in article to another random item;
  • as a random item from a selectable sub set (booster, wager, etc)

the first is useless and a means to lower the inventory;
the second could be useful, depending on the level of choices available.
for instance:

  • i rarely use orders and would like to convert these to boosters;
  • i dont play AIR or NAVY but have a lot of backups per nation, can these be converted to ground for the same nation?;

Gaijin can play with the conversion rate 2:1 for random from the same type, and a higher rate for conversion to another type.



This sounds like a good idea!

Will you remove the time limit on said boosters etc.? The time limit is a limiting factor for the players and is best to be removed.

This is also a good addition to the game! But we’re still missing rewards for being a teamplayer.

So far the UAV user isn’t getting any rewards or mission points for spotting enemies for their team, which is strange, considering we’re playing a team-based game.

This will also be a very nice addition to the game.

But it should be extended to dodging missiles too.

Here is an example: When you get a ‘Missile evaded’ message, you should be rewarded with both RP and SL, staying alive in tense situations should be rewarded.

This! This is a good addition! I expect us players will be compensated for all the missing RP lost, right?

This update looks good so far, a few tweaks here and there and it will be perfect! Thank you.

I guess for some people it’s either give me the best toy in the game or give me nothing.