CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

"Ship gameplay improvements

Naval warfare will also see some improvements in gameplay interface features. The team are currently working on a range of features, such as a new aiming sight for missiles as well as improvements to the prediction markers. Some of these will make it for the next major, and some for the future, all depending on how development goes."

Please, if you would increase the RP output by 4 times for naval force more players would play it.

  1. Number of times that torpedoes destroyed the Battleship class in all naval battle modes in the past 30 days

40,499 ships classed as a “Battleship” in-game were destroyed by torpedoes in the past month in all naval modes. Nice!”

These are rookies numbers. You could increase them by a thousand if the RP output wouldnt be so horrible.

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Nice to see Canadian vehicles getting a little more centralized there.
I do hope they are able to fix a controls bug that appeared in the last update. Using a combo button control disables a control axis assigned to the same buttons.
For example, using L1 to enable free look camera axis, and using L1 plus Triangle to enter/exit binoculars. Once you have pressed L1 plus Triangle it doesn’t matter if you keep L1 held down the entire time, the free look camera will now be disabled until you release L1 and press it again.

It happens with all axis, even on planes etc. An example for planes being using L1 to throttle down/brake on the runway, and using L1 plus Down on the d-pad to turn the engine off. If you turn the engine off it disables the brakes/throttling down until you release L1 and press it again.

What about pilot camera position in a cockpit ? It is wrong on a many planes and it would be very helpful to have them fixed.


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Remember the proposed changes to APHE? 🙃

This is very nice to see.

But i have questioned anout possible nee game mods for ground and air… For air it could be a Air PvE. Pretty kuch same as air sim without the Sim part.

Some fixing for Heli PvE would be nice also. Getting sniped by AI radar Spaas in your 7.7/8.0 heli that has only rockets isnt fun. Also the problem of mission targets not spawning.

Thank you if you even read this or replay to some parts.

Only shots that need rework are solid shots

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After reading the answers, I got the song on my mind from Rick Astley- never gonna give you up

Ehm… Sir what about RP bonus? Can you say something about the ‘Research Point Bonus’ please…

So no word on a BR change?

Should have had one about 2 months ago I reckon

Thank you. We are waiting.

Now if only Spikes would actually, you know, work… that’d be nice. Because storing the correct amount in the Freccia is great but the spikes, they do absolutely next to nothing. 50% of the time they just explode mid-air, the remainder is at least a 1:2 chance of them missing completely, and then when you do get a hit, well, you get a hit. Zero damage. If you’re exceedingly lucky, they destroy a vehicle.

Maybe work on that instead of eyecandy?

@Smin1080p_WT Hey! Thanks for this post, its really a great way to communicate with players, appreciate it!

Could you please give some hints about Israel aircraft munitions? Like Spikes for AH-64, mavericks for F-16C Barak II or something regarding Spice/Popeye please? Thanks in advance!

I dont think people understand how incredibly excited I am for the new vapour effects, I was gonna have a short break from warthunder but this got me on the hype train, time to buy more premium

oh man, they’re going to cook with the new trailers when they add these bad boys


I assume that the vapour effects will look better when their closer to release too!

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I have a question about the “HE Fuse control”

Will it be possible to manually control the Time fuse for the HE?

Like the Flak8.8 for exemple.
The only way to set the time fuse is by rangefinding,
Wich kinda sucks because its impossible to use against planes (PE8).
It would be really awesome to control the time fuse from the HE, like when you control the distance of you gunsight by using the scroll wheel or other keys…
It could really make some cool shots.

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will we get an option to turn off the vapor effect? specially for ulq because idk how much it’ll cost in fps

We’ll probably see in in october or something

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This is a net positive change and the best compromise to the argument that was a plague for a while on what tree it should belong to. It also opens the doors for even more options.

Oh, thank goodness, this might finally help those who need help, such as US, German, Russian/Soviet mains.

This is nice, I guess slowly but surely will help in the long run on how to better utilize the shell, how’s the progress on making WW2 era flak more possible, since it was mentioned in the past of being looked into, to make it a bit more convenient and less=irritating. Considering by the time you range find the plane those ranges don’t mean much cause they are already outside of it. Strafing people.