CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

Don’t forget the fuel tanks :)

*7 years, there was a report on the old forum as well before the new issues site even existed. and the bug was known about well before that as well.

Just found another one from 2013 where it was said to be fixed?


I think this bug should be grandfathered in as a feature

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Fuel tanks are a feature being expanded gradually across all aircraft. We don’t consider this a bug, as they will receive them all over time.


“This will be fixed with one of upcoming updates.”
which, over the years, translates to

11 years…
Should this bug be a girl, it would be about time to have a talk about woman’s body… :)

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and then there is also the state of BOL and the state of how IR sigs are modeled that makes the Harrier’s in general some of the hottest aircraft in game by far.

But whilst the things you listed seem small, they will overhaul their performance significantly. FA2 is basically unplayable in Sim at the moment due to lack of HUD and placeholder RWR

Are developers aware that radar gyro sights are not working for more then 2 years now.

Also will it be possible to make texture for aircraft gunsights non repeating this has also been issue for atleast 8 years. When you make any dds it wil repeat into infinity making it unusable.

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Hello @Smin1080p_WT ! I LOVE the vapor effects. Hope to see them soon.

Is there any chance that Air sim EC can get a facelift in the foreseeable future?

Top tier is still fighting Korean era vehicles/objectives, and we haven’t received a new map in 2 years now.


Seconded this. Sim is in need of some TLC

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Quite a few solid things addressed here. Has there been any talk or consideration regarding adding Aim 9L-i missiles to the IDS tornados in game? It would still remain quite balanced considering quite a few planes have missiles with IRCCM from 11.3+ and it would be limited to 2

They’ve already done a ‘‘Dev Blog’’ on the Abrams armor values.

As for effiency, I’m pretty sure the only thing they can do is make other nations’ top-tier premiums more attractive which’ll draw in more newbies on the other sides.

you could do some double RP Events :) as a compensation.
and i mean true double rp (or 50% or something) not double base rp

Edit: Btw i don´t know if you have this on your radar but sometimes i´ll loose my rp they are more than i needed for a vehicle (only in ARB)

Locust I should be British TT as we were the only nation to deploy it, also we named it (as usual).

M22 Premium captured Egyptian tank for Israel?

That is not the vehicle’s fault though…


Really love this. Not amazingly thrilled about America getting the Skink, but the UK getting the Ram II is nice. Also so happy to see LERX vapor. I am still kind of iffy on how it looks, it looks a bit thin compared to the real thing, but it’s so great to see.

Also hoping the next event vehicle is something from WWII or a weird 1950s/60s thing. Really hoping we don’t get another modern vehicle, considering we just had an F-14 and the UK’s first 7.0 battleship as event prizes.


I do want to see more WWII representation in this game.

I hear from many veteran players that they are getting more dissatisfied with this game.
Not because of the game, but because of Gaijin neglecting the old playerbase and focussing more on the new ones who only stick-around for a few months and buying just one top tier premium.


In addition to these changes, is there any info on the current status of the radar and RWR of both the F-111C and F? Currently it seems that the radar bears the same name as that on the F-5E, which seems to be incorrect as well as the RWR being a copy of the APS-109 system from the F-111A. Is this intended implementation or are the developers still actively researching the correct systems and their capabilities?

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Leopard 2-140 my beloved, this is a vehicle I would definitely keep

I would suggest this is backwards. You would be better off reversing the premium status, so that the two wholly imaginary tanks (US Skink and Ram) both be GE premiums by virtue of their using some US components, and the new UK Ram II, which like the UK Skink really did exist, with 2,000 in use in the UK even if none went overseas, should be tech tree (lots of foldering options for it there).

You may want to consider further differentiating the Ram II (late), which had the Mk V 6-pdr (57/L50) instead of the Mk III (57/L44) on the current in-game tank. Since both guns are in game it would be an easy adjustment. Late models also tended to have a ball turret as the bow MG, although you don’t have to do that, there’s pics of late models with both.

It would still be nice to someday see the 40 mm Ram I and the Dutch post-war Ram (75 mm).

As far as the probably imaginary M4A5 designation, I know Chamberlain and Ellis said that’s what the US would have called it, in a footnote in a book from decades ago, but I still maintain they were thinking there of the Grizzly tank, the Canadian-produced Sherman M4A1, which was also considered for US use (and 3 of which became the Skinks), and it’s just never been corrected. The War Thunder wiki discussion of how it relates to using the same engine or having a cast hull never made any sense as it actually also used the Grant/Lee engine, and there was a cast-hull version of the Grant (M3A1). If it ever had been in US service the Ram would have likely been called the M3A6 (while the Grizzly would have probably been M4A5). Other than that one probable typo in an ancient secondary source, Gaijin’s game is basically the only remaining source for the bizarre and counterfactual “M4A5”.


If that were the case, its weak armor would be a turn off for me, so… free GJCs for me!