CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

I, too, highly anticipate Abrams fixes and improvements.

I would really like to have real reasons to play them… but I just keep going back to Sweden, Germany and Russia. The second faster reload is nice, but just doesn’t cut it when your opponents have twice as better armor and your tank has significantly weaker and bigger weakspots than it historically should.

At least give AIM its historical KEW-A2 shell, make SEPv2’s TUSK optional (and ideally give it its historical M829A3 so it feels like an upgrade in at least ONE way), fix the turret rings, UFP reinforcement at the front section and fuel tank bulkheads! If SEPv2’s and AIM’s hulls can be revisited it would be ideal… but if that’s not possible, at least that!


Can we talk about the missing GBU for the JAS39A, besides them beeing announced?

Its still missing RB75T alongside both the AJ models. Hell even the Saab 105 and the Austrian model are lacking their 4x missile loadout.

These have been reported for years and as per usual with sweden air they are ignored.


Panzer 87 140?

I am also very interested in this question, at the moment the E and C modifications of the missiles are identical. It is amazing how literally a feature of the machine can be so easily removed (possibly accidentally), and so hard to be returned.

This is all some really, really exciting stuff!
Super excited for the next patch now!

This has to be one of the better changes regarding dev to player communication. These posts will calm down so many complaints and discussions just by providing info that a feature is looked into even slightly.

Any sort of info at all, even a minuscule crumb, about the long standing “RP overflow” bug that continuously looses players thousands of RP towards modifications?
At this point a “No” would even be better than nothing (It’s been 7 years now).
(Community Bug Reporting System)

This is really nice to see!
Will we be able to choose what map to do the testflight on? (some maps offer differing terrain and thus scenarios which means that there are some circumstances that can’t be tested with some vehicles because of the map they are tested on).

A feature here that would be really cool and nice to see is hostile AI (spawned in by command of the player, with limits of course).

Could we get a sneak peak into what fuse-modes are planned to be available?

These look amazing! It’s going to be really interesting to see how they animate!

It would be really cool to see stats on things like:

  • Average lifetime per vehicle in different modes and BR ranges.
  • Average gained RP/SL per spawn in different BR and modes.
  • Heatmaps of player activity on different maps.
  • Most common way to get killed in different modes (fire, crew death, ammo-explosion, etc)

Basically behind the scenes stats :)


Since you are working on the HE fuze control, could you please consider changing how timed fuzes are set? For example on the 8.8cm flakbus, you have to rangefind an object at 600m in order for the shell to explode after travelling 600m. However against aircraft, they will almost always have moved far from their initial distance after you spend 6s rangefinding. It would be much better if they could explode based on the distance set with the sight distance control (or have an option to switch to using that).


If it’s artillery, it’s always spelled “fuze.” It’s kinda funny you get it right in the title but then spell it wrong twice in the text.

Just hoping those LERX Vapors would be availble for any potent aircrafts, basically most jets.

Also pretty good thing that Gaijin heard about the “make tutorials” part i was asking for years, however:
Can we have dedicated Tutorials for air combats?
(tactics and basic fighter maneuvers)

This is still a horrendeous lack for newbies in Jet Tiers, mostly because of premium packs.

and finally → is AIR RB top tier gonna have a real Re-Work?
We should see 2 airfields per teams at top tier, with forced teams to spawn evenly on those
The objectives is to have more spreaded players, and better gameplay overall.

So there is no planned action for fixing the CR2? we had a big devblog for the reports and the planned changes but nothing came to action

Not just the posts themselves, but also the comment sections of the threads- CMs usually respond to many of the comments, specially over the first hour after posting or so, while they are still active right after posting!


Any news about leopard 2a7v and PSO armor fix from c-tech to d-tech insert?

Smin’s goated. We will finally get vapor!

Oh god, no. I wanted to take a break until next BP season. I hope it´s something East German at least.

As long as the AI units in there respawn, I am happy.

This is the thing I am most excited about since I´ve seen the datamine, but why only jet aircraft? I have seen a report from a Spitfire dive and hard pull created also vapor around its wings.

Another thing to scratch off of my wishlist. Now only get those collision lights, wheels turning on runway and of course, new variety of afterburner effects.

Exactly! It helps A LOT with giving players understanding and calming down discourse.


Hey. Its a very complex issue that is being investigated. Sadly there is little more that I can really add at the moment.

More detail will be shown a little closer to implementation. This was just a bit of a peak for now.

We implemented the changes we presented in that blog with the model rework.


Another event boxer?

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I think this is the only comment we have gotten on this issue for years, It’s REALLY nice to know its even being looked at at all! <3

Thanks for the answer :)


Its has been 3 years since it was acknolowedge. 3 years. Imagine if gaijin would ever take 3 years to fix a bug like the heli takeoff bug that generated a lot of rp.