CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

But it could easily be a TT tank folded with the Ram mk1, especially when the m22 Locust and T18e2 could be the added premiums.


They seem to be prioritizing adding high tier premiums to US rather than fixing top tier grb US. Still waiting for those Abrams bug reports to be implemented


Is there any chance we could expect the M1A2 SepV2 to be given the option to remove its add-on armor in the future? That’s still one of the updates I’m anticipating the most.

I’m going to assume revisiting m735 will just automatically lead to either no change or a buff, as there is no shot it could ever be worse than it is now. I’m very happy to see the new test flight for aircraft section, yet another great quality of life change! It’s so painful trying to hunt the 2 moving tanks then having to reset the mission as soon as they’re destroyed in current air vehicle CAS test drives.

Thanks for the update!


So the silence must mean: no decompression for air, naval, ground.


This is will be a really good change. Some additions that would be good to see would be the ability to swap loadouts without needing to exit to the hangar, and bombing bases to test what damage bomb loadouts will do to bases without needing to go out into a match with a potentially wrong loadout.

No plans to fix any of the bug reports to the KV-1C? The vehicle doesnt even have correct armor models or even the right thickness.

I also would like to see some Japanese rocket propelled bombs… Which is already late since every nation has them except for Japan.

132-lb. rocket, listed as an Experimental Mk 27 Bomb or “Dai 27-Go Dan” mounted below the starboard wing of a Mitsubishi Raiden (J2M3).


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@Smin1080p_WT Any planned decompression for top tier GRB?


Please be sure to report any missing ordinance here so we can forward the report as a suggestion: Community Bug Reporting System


@Smin1080p_WT Awesome report! There is one thing I want to ask gaijin. Is the flight model (FM) of the J-10A complete as it is, or are there any plans to be fixed? Currently this thing flys like some kind of TVC aircraft.

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next update is sounding very good. cant wait to see more news about it.

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The only thing that is a bit disappointing is that there are a lot of things that have been given the “we are keeping an eye on their performance” with little to no update. And these seem like a decent placed to at least give some update. Like the:

  1. Abrams efficiency and armor values.
  2. Strike aircraft were suppose to be moved up in BR AND given forward spawning points. And only one of those has happened. Where’s the forward spawns?
  3. Spall liners. What’s the next batch of vehicles to get them as more than half the vehicles in the game have them or something similar to them.
  4. The APHE nerf test that 52% of players voted against.
  5. Research bonus update is…when?

Like I get it; there’s a lot of things happening and that’s understandable. But it would be nice to see some follow-up on outstanding issues soon rather than later.


It’s going to be the leaked Boxer, I’m sure.

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Don’t use spaces or any special characters.

I suppose we’ll have to buy it again, then…

I haven’t, it just doesn’t work

so Wednesday then? lol

Glad to see the Skink and Ram II additions for the US and UK, though I do hope that we can get a British T18 boarhound also at some point in the near future, given the car was specifically designed for the Brits and IIRC, only really tested by them (also used by British units IIRC in N.Africa).

Wouldnt be the first event vehicle that has a premium or TT version in another nation.


Does this mean we could see vehicles from other trees potential finally be added to trees that still dont have access to their own vehicles or is this just an acception for britain?


Weird then. I couldn’t save presets either before, but not using spaces fixed it for me.