CM Covert Disclosures No.3: Updates from Smin

IIRC the PL-8B’s seeker is more like the Stinger K or the TY-90 than the AAM-3 which uses more of an AIM-9M IRCCM. It’s therefore much much much harder to flare, if not impossible if you aren’t using large calibre flares.

Couple that with great range and pull and it could be a touch too strong until we get a bit further.

I imagine it would come before PY-4 which seems relatively likely at some point in the not-so-far future.

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Very possible that’s what Aces Of Thunder is intended to be. Both as a separate game but also meant to provide more info, and other stuff to help WT.

Like the section about graphical improvements.

For one of the fun questions:

  1. How many kills in a month made by the 10kg bombs?
  2. Longest range air-air, air-ground, ground-air, ground-ground, air-naval, & naval-air so far since tracking such stats?

I agree that with that IRCCM it would be op, but they can just copy paste the AIM-9M or the Magic 2 IRCCM for balance

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Yeah hopefully that’s the case, the general aircraft models can come from War Thunder to Aces of Thunder and the VR improvements/interactable cockpits from Aces of Thunder can come to War Thunder

With this i’m guessing this week…
That would be amazing

i really hope it’s world war II prototype i am so tried of high tier events tanks and leopards.
i hope it’s not the leopard with 140mm gun that would be disappointing.
there is ton of cool world war II prototype tanks can be added for germany.

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M114A2 my beloved?

Dual-band ahistorical and incorrectly modelled missile vs just a Python 3 with FoV gating, and historical. Come on gaijoobles.

Really hope we can test fly aircraft spaded cause especially at higher tiers missiles are everything

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I’m just happy to not have to shoot down MiG-15s with ARHs anymore

Only took 3 years of waiting with my fingers crossed. Literally dying from happiness rn

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I just hope it comes to all and we dont have to wait 10 years to see them added to less popular aircraft

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Please add more ATGM Carriers like the Humvee TOW, I know Russia has something similar that uses Kornets but i forgot the name. Vehicles like those and the ones we already have are very fun to play.

youve already seen screenshots of how their looking. Problem with the mach cone is the shape of well a cone which blocks your screen. vapour effect sticks near the wings and leading edge root extensions (lerx) and will have zero impact on visibility

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vapour is early access, the geometry of it looks absolutely stunning, its only missing textures

Im really hoping to see afterburner improvements added, theres already tons of afterburners you can download which look massively more realistic than the base game afterburner which is just too bright and same for almost all planes

Would love to see the stats for the BI-1 in Air RB :)

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+1 for this, we need to see how “balanced” it is!

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I assume the work on the Ammo Boxes from the Player Vote is nearly done?

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