CM Covert Disclosures No.2: Keeping You Updated!

Leopard 2A5 and 2A7 at same BR :)


Will the nuke counter start from 0 or it will count nukes you have already dropped aswell?

I find it very interesting that as many as 23,212 nuke carriers were shot down before dropping the bomb. I find even more interesting what these statistics don’t show, namely how many of the 23,212 nuke carriers were intentionally shot down by “friendly” players.
I have seen many examples of nuke planes being teamkilled, so I know for a fact that the number is greater than 0. It really baffles me WHY is this number anything other than 0?
The ability to drop nukes has been available in the game for some time, and ever since it was added, players have been complaining about being killed by the “friendly” team. WHY IS THIS ALLOWED?! There are ways to make nuclear weapons carriers invulnerable to allies, so why hasn’t this been done?

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Indeed. It is sad to think that just because you missed an event your only option to play certain vehicles ever is to pay 700€ for them.



Awesome thank you for the Transparency ♥

After so many delays, I’ve completely lost hope that the new nations bonus will even be worth it.


I think you don’t understand the problem. There is no point in raising an airplane that was previously at 13.0 to 13.7, if you raise the one that was at 12.7 (without FOX III missiles) to 13.0 so that it continues to face, under unequal conditions, what it was already facing before…

The realistic air battle mode is worse than ever… The games barely last 5 minutes. What kind of joke is this.

I think it is, together with the decision you made to make ground battle maps for tanks above BR 8.7 increasingly smaller and flatter (vehicles designed for combat at no less than 2 kilometers, btw), the genius of this year.

Why is someone going to put in the effort to develop a branch to the end, if the TOP TIER battles suck?

If you listened to the community, this game would be eternally unbeatable.

As a suggestion, improve the mechanics of flares and chaff, to avoid missiles in both ground battles and air battles.

And expand the maps in ground battles, which is ridiculous. WT looks more like CSGO every day. Tanks kill each other with knives, come on man.


Let’s cut to the chase! The next two event vehicles will be a vessel (Alcione) and aircraft respectively, quite high tier. These two will both be analogs to vehicles we have in the tree already.

but on the other hand having already existing vehicles in the tech trees as event vehicles may to some be less appealing if someone already owns them.


Sorry - but it`s poor excuse.

For example, a marathon. Let’s take Italy - the top small fleet and WT forum.
Alcione - yes, even SAME! but old

+/- like Japanese torpedoboat - and in tree easy added another serie (Ciclone. Orsa, Ariete etc).



Or sistership Alcione - with very different variant weapons.

Another - frigate Luigi Rizzo.

Battlepass - really Mariner best choice?
Of these gorgeous offers - only Mariner???

If nees minimum 3d work - then FM2 is the best choice.

Or most powerful serial Avenger

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Is it possible for top tier to put them into their own bubble so planes without ARH missiles don’t face them. Getting spammed by ARH missiles is really annoying and for planes with only SARH missils its really impossible to do a 1v1 or even a 1 v (More players) cuz the teams are somehow useless.

this was a great post. thank you for sharing this with us and giving a bit more clarity on a feature many of us have been eagerly awaiting.

Nice new profile features and damage models. I hope the bonuses for new nations will give some oportunity to grind faster new units for veteran players, otherwise will be unfair. I think players who dedicate more time and effort to the game need to be reward.

agreed I really wish even vehicles would be available for GE later like maybe a year or 2 after an event. be a good way for gaijin to make more money too.


Yeap, good for gaijin and good for players. Nice sugestion bro!

Thanks Oxy, these updates are very much appreciated!


As someone who would prefer no time-locked, missable content in the game whatsoever (I realize that’s an ideal, not a realistic wish) this seems quite reasonable to me. I didn’t go unnoticed that after the low-tier tank slot was removed from the BPs, we suddenly got an influx of low-tier tanks in the regular tech tree over the next few months. The rest of the vehicle selection has been pretty solid and reasonable too. :)


This all sounds very good, and while I realize the “most affected” vehicles are being covered first (helis, high-tier tanks) I do hope it comes to regular aircraft and lower-tier stuff in the future.

One major element that would help here would be to make aircraft weapons damageable. It’s very odd that weapon damage is such a core part of the ground/naval gameplay loop, yet it’s literally impossible to knock out aircraft (including heli) weapons; putting a 20mm shell right through a P-47’s quad .50s does… absolutely nothing to them. This is especially odd as they’re already modelled as modules.

Enabling this would help with air/ground interactions, and would add something to air combat that really should have always been there.


Examples like this are a great way to emphasize these things to the wider community. :)

Just split up the matchmaking up, so FOX-3 capable aircraft can only be matched against other FOX-3 capable aircraft. There is no point in letting them fight aircraft that aren’t capable of carrying that kind of missile.


No Gaijin, SL crates aren’t a good system for that.

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Exactly. SL crates are predatory, bad, greedy, and overall an awful system.