
Is there anybody that wants ultra dense cloud cover at ground level???

Whoever decided it was a good idea to have dense clouds covering terrain should never be allowed to touch map design again.


me. adds some spice to the gameplay!

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All it adds is the ability for ju-288s to take off, climb to 1km altitiude, disappear into the cloud while navigating using the meta-game tool of the minimap (which I’m not dissing - it’s great to avoid friendly fire and help create encounters on lower pop maps), drop bombs on the airfield and then hide inside the cloud again.

There’s no way to counter such other than spawncamping the enemy airfield and shooting them as they try to climb into the clouds.

All this leads to is more nerfing of sim rewards.

Watch my altitude as I climb into and out of the cloud cover

Notice how completely unbroken and continous it is

You can literally fly inside the clouds the whole ~60 km between airfields and avoid any and all interception


thats an advantange they had in real life too. sometimes bombers get an advantange, sometimes the fighters get it. you know bomber pilots dont complain when most of the time the weather conditions are pristine where you can see them all the way and fuck them up.

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It’s not an advantage they would’ve had in real life.

We’re talking about flying in complete pitch black clouds with perfect navigation right onto the target without having to leave those clouds in aircraft that lack the instrumentation that’d enable such.


they had radio navigation systems irl, we dont have that in the game but they can deal with irl

Radio navigation systems deep inside enemy territory.

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  • Price, Alfred (1977). Instruments of Darkness: The History of Electronic Warfare. Granada.

With a drop accuracy miles off target, and even in best cases still around a mile radius.

Meanwhile these zombers drop precise munitions right on top of barracks/fuel silos/whatever other airfield modules there are because of the power of real-time gps telling them exactly where they are with enviable precision.

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they could hit their targets within acceptable limits. if the same targets were in this game (big cities), they could hit these cities in this game. however this game doesnt have such easy targets, they have way more difficult targets therefore the bombers deserve to be able to do their job despite this, just the same. so yes the bombers could indeed hit their real life targets. they deserve to hit their ingame targets too even in different circumstances.

I just want them to not completely obscure the AF or most of the ground.

I shouldn’t be taking off in a cloud.

well i agree that it would be cooler if the ground was full of fog instead of cloud. fog looks better despite having just as bad visibilty. sometimes bad weather happens and it adds some fun to the game.

They can more than do their job without an unbroken, solid cloud cover covering the entire 64x64 battleground.

Smatterings of clouds, and even potential “highways” of clouds are acceptable and provide a tactical and strategic edge to the match you can use to set up ambushes, disengage hostiles and sneak beneath and or over are awesome.

Solid black void? Not so much.

They also have easy targets they can drop bombs onto all over the map. Ground bases, battlegroups and the airfields remain viable targets - provided they are attacked with clear visibility from the bombsight rather than flying inside the cloud.

And bombers can very much fight back. They got third person view and mouse aim that’s 3-axis stabilized. They don’t need total cloud cover. (If they fight back, they’re not zombers anymore though but actual bombers)

Oh, and to move on from zombers…

Solid cloud cover also ruins air supremacy objectives. On a small lobby (4v4 or the like), it’s perfectly possible for someone to put their plane into a lazy circle inside the 1-2km cloud cover and prevent the enemy fighters from capturing the air supremacy point despite even intentionally giving up altitude to try and bait an overshoot. Less of an issue in bigger lobbies as you got teammates to shift the balance, but some days I barely see a single lobby much less more than a 4v4.

in real life youd have highly trained gunners doing the job for you while you can continue flying and maneuvering. war thunder restricts the plane of maneuvering and flying in gunner view, you cant properly change your path

gotta give the radar enabled fighters their chance to prey. rarely do they get it.

Having to land completely blind without any of the navigation/assists that IRL pilots would have isn’t fun. It is also way too common on certain maps (usually mysterious valley), and it makes for an annoying experience.

sure they could improvize that, however for the time being you can roleplay as if your radio systems are broken due to quality control issues.

Highly trained does not translate to perfectly stabilized, three-axis shots and automatic IFF/targetting (swapping from pilot to gunner view has the gunners look towards the enemy even if they’re not physically visible) that is not disrupted by incoming damage, maneuvering or even completely severed wings leading to wild spinning and oscillation. The way aiming works means you retain your aim even through all that.

Prop tier bombers in sim absolutely do not need unbroken, solid cloud cover that protects them from any counterplay as they push rewards further and further down.

We’ve already witnessed event rewards go down from 3.0 score to 2.3 thanks to abusers. We already had the useless action system introduced thanks to abusers.

These continous clouds create the same effect as taking subsonics/props to denmark or afganisthan in a 4v4 lobby to avoid ever getting intercepted as you rack up thousands of points… except, you no longer need to deal with the 160x160 map and can do it 64x64 for even faster score accumulation without risk!

What consequences do you think this will have on sim economy?

Nothing good.

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no but it means they will do the job for you and they will probably have more shooting skill than some kid playing war thunder with their ultra stabilized this and that.

use your ears you can visualize their paths effortlessly

I shall echolocate on a 64x64 map while deafened by the wind, and somehow bring my guns on target onto an enemy I cannot see the outline of.

fly closer. in real life much of the time flying was actually just searching for targets during low visibility. do that in sim too, its just real life strategy. go around the paths the bombers would take and search, sometimes you have to put effort into finding something its not always just shooting