Clouds have got to go

I have died because of clouds, SO MANY TIMES, who thinks it’s a good idea to put clouds in mountains and pillars? I CANT SEE WHERE IM GOING! This has to be changed, it’s utter BS and a waste of time and SL.


New day, new weather complaining thread. After one was just locked recently…

Well some people get tired of it.

Maybe because it’s a huge issue with the game right now, crazy thought you weren’t capable of coming up with.


There are about 3 Gaijillion threads already open about clouds. Maybe original poster could have used those instead of making a new post.

Yeah like pick a struggle, shit gameplay or shit weather, but they implement both


Maybe gaijin could also fix it quicker than they do

You do not realise this practice is against the forum rules?

Also, I highly doubt Gaijin would change something in-game just because many people complain about it on the forum.

Goes to show how little faith you have in gaijin’s ability to develop lmao

It is the reality of the situation, sadly.

They react as soon as their economy is touched in a negative way within days.

A few forum comments about some clown farming RP with Harriers by taking off and landing in infinite loops on the main airfield - gaijin fixed it within days…

This cloud issue is at least 13 months old (September 2023):

But it looks like that gaijin increased the number of cloud matches significantly since then.


As a ground main, I hope they put more clouds in ground battles bro, to discourage CAS spam that ruins the fun of ground mains. And you can have your clear sky in air battles


More crashes = lost SL + lost RP = impatience + pissed off = PROFIT

You might consider adding lost boosters to your list…

But imho this cloud issue has multiple dimensions and if you like alternative views you might find this worth to think about:

Regarding this view:

This might be actually the most convincing reason why we have this weather / cloud topic.

Why? I learned some time ago that the weather (and weather effects in general) are not tied to specific game modes. In other words you have more or less the same weather in Air, Combined and Naval battles.

Based on what i have seen Combined/Ground matches attract the majority of players - majority means also the most profitable part. So if you are gaijin and you would be tired of thousands of anti-CAS threads (but you are not willing to give those guys their TO mode) you might think about adding more difficult conditions for aircraft with fog and clouds to kill more or less helpless guys in tanks.

The impact for Air RB looks like a side aspect as the mode is (depending on BRs) reduced to a pure SL & RP grinding tool (base bombing) for the majority of players - or they just want to spade their aircraft for other modes. Base bombing looks outside fights vs enemies with LD/SD radars not really hampered - besides the challenges to take off with fog ahd to avoid crashing into a mountain on their way to bases…

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