Click-Bait killed US

since the M1 was introduced as a premium, the US players’ chance of winning in the top tier has dropped drastically, in fact anyone has been given the opportunity to drive a sports car without knowing how to ride a bicycle, so far everything is fine , they are choices. The problem is that this choice negatively affects all those who have done their grinding process and learned by playing. Now the question is simple, a system must be introduced that prevents people from entering a lobby if they only have 1 vehicle available because between those who have the squadron’s M1 and those who have the Click-Bait, the possibility of having a fair match it vanishes before it even begins. Either the BRs are changed to avoid finding premium vehicles at the top tier or the players who only have 1 vehicle in the lineup need to be redistributed between both teams so that they don’t impact so heavily. It’s really not fun to find yourself after 1 minute in 3 against 8 and in fact it’s almost impossible to turn the game around unless the opposing team has some handsless marmots with broken keyboards and a blank screen playing. I don’t know how they could resolve this but they have to take it into serious analysis because it makes the desire to play go away and it’s not the best. I want to point out that I’m not saying this because I play USA, it’s a problem that will spread to other nations and become frustrating for many others. Even more so after the recent Summer sales which also involved click-bait.

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So Gaijin should implement system that will prevent people who bought premium vehicles to play with them?

Lol, lmao even.

Non experienced players buying top tier premiums is problem since forever…


US has always had this problem in all game modes.
They were called “Lawn Mowers” in air modes for a reason.
US Teams problem isn’t one vehicle,it has always been one death leavers.
Germans had this problem with few vehicles in the past Leo l44 and Ju 288 being best examples.


Split ppls in queue (with 1 vehicle in lineup) between 2 teams is not forcing em to not play

Also prevent the 11.3 be with 11.7 by uograding BR will not ruin anything

counter intuitively, and kinda annoyingly, the best way to solve the issue was to release same BR’d prems for the other nations, which now they have done with a prem 11.3 Leopard 2 and T-80 for Germany and Russia. (plus a few other nations)

it’ll balance out the number of clueless newbies between nations a bit better. It’ll still suck but at least now it’ll suck equally for everyone /shrug

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Player. Performance. Indexing.

Salty die hards in one pool. 1 premie kiddies in another.

Yeah you don’t get to club newbs anymore, but you’ll have even competent teams and maybe those new players will stick around after the intro premium time expires if their matches aren’t lasting 30 seconds.


Every nation suffers to a degree from bad players. Some people would like to see the game restrict said people per tier for prems and a certain duration of experience because some of these players play top tier but due to having 0 experience complain that they died reasons for dying->Driving straight, staying in one positon.

its just how it goes. Play get killed bail and then start the next game. This stopped being a team game a while ago now its just get the points you can and move on.

So you can end up just doing that in a cycle forever? Never stopping to actually play the game?

Thats what they do. They do not know any other way to play.

Thats how things are going tbh. Buy premium get 0 to 2 kills, die, return to hangar, start battle and repeat. Then someone goes onto the forum to complain about it again and gives awful suggestions on how to fix the issue, people tell them no, gaijin has no response wait for the next post for people to post about premiums killing toptier win rate ( day to a week later ) gives same suggestions that have already been said and refused. ect ect ect… The cycle never ends my guy.

Air RB you get one sapwn, so if they have been playing that they just get use to getting killed and leaving when they play ground.

The 11.3/11.0 premiums have had an effect on more than just the US but US has the more noticeable issues because it is the 11.3 premium that is on sale and US was already struggling.

Here is how I avoid teams of Click-Baits, 2A4M’s T-80-UE1, Etc when I play top tier. Bring a 12.7 plane, even if you dont use it you will still never get full teams of premiums unless the premium player also brings something 11.7+.

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The solution is just to take an F16C in your line up

There are players with single premium vehicle in enemy team too

US mains “to the top speedrun” challenges are what make you suffer.
i would propose SBMM but apparently all the dweebs who cant deal with it cry their haemorrhoids out

Yes but unfortunately the click bait got a 50% discount now, so noobs that starts now playing top tier, take ofc something in sale instead of something full price, and this rised more the number of clicks

If snail cared, you wouldn’t be able to use a rank 7 premium without unlock rank 6-7 first and you’d only have experienced players and ones with viable vehicles… but clearly snail doesn’t care.

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BR may change or matchmaking system may be changed imo. Thats my 2 cents, for sure is not an easy problem to solve

Wont solve a thing as player can put any reserve vehicle as 2nd vehicle.

This is an issue since Leo A1A1 L/44 and XM-1 were introduced.