Part I
However in first impression it have a powerful front armor according to documents but in really not can use it.
Why ? Poor mobility allow to flank him and…
…Lot of weak point added into this tank, especially the hull MG port, topside of turret which easily to penetrate a T-34/57, 88mm Flak. PZ4 serie also equiped with pzgr 40 which dangerous against churchill inside 500m. If the M4A3(105)sherman hit his turret armor in front you get a crew knocked out because HE shot penetrate the front hull armor. + easy to destroy his track and gun barell
That’s just few example when fight against lower BR tank. Not hard to hit a targer which max speed 10km/h…
Fight agains his highter BR tank like panthers, tigers, T-34/85 is a painfull fight not just in long range in close combat also. Not have an APHE variant of M61 shot so can’t defeat his opponenet(/or cant defeat them easily) who try to flank him easily.
(Not to talk 17pdr guns have 170m+ penetration skill.)
image: 88mm PZgr hit it from 500m
image: t-34/57 BR271 from 500m(if rotate it get a side shot.)
Image: if have a HE which penetration skill highter or equal with 20mm you win:
Note: Churchill crocodile: if flame tank not empty and got shot you will lost one FPE…
Image: 90% of battle field enemy tank variant:
red: 100% to penetrate and kill Churchill with one shot
blue: 70% to penetrate and kill Churchill with one or two shot
aqua: 0% to penetrate
Part II
Firstly, This shots is look like difficult according to images but in reality not really impossible. Especially in arcade battle. You can easily got weakpoint a shot inside 500 meter. In city map in CQC to got a weakpoint shot from front the chance more higher.
In realistic game mod, most case, this tank play on 400x400m maps and when moved only 400m the end of the battle already decided. Got flanked or bombed by plane or a stonger TD will hunt it. In realictic game mod, yes in this game mod a chance much slower but i saw a lot of intrested way to get killed by enemy from lower BR tanks. So eliminate it not imposible.
Secondly, yes 4.7 BR able to fight against 5.7 BR tanks thats true. In this part i want only to say, churchill if it fight as a lower BR tank nothing else just a free kill/target. Useless and can do nothing againts Panthers, Tiger, T-34/85 and other stronger opponent.
Just a bit think, if churchill as a perfect armored and OP tank, why rare his number found on battlefield?
One of the example which i meet during Realictic battle:
‘Of course just a weak T-34/76 lets finish him give him a shot… then i got his first payback…’ :
Easily to say it’s imposible until you not meet with them especially in more than 2 time in row. According to this experience i suggest to move from 4.7 BR to 4.3 BR both in arcade and realistic game mod or able use T45 APCR and M61 APHE varaiant ammo.
What’s you oppinion? Agree, Disagree(please write it why.) :)