Chinese Extended Ground Tree Discussion

I certainly hope it isn’t the AH-1W. That would be a downgrade over the Z-19 and brings nothing new to the tech tree. What we are in desperate need of is the Z-10ME Block 02, that is comparable to the Ka-52. Then if we get the buffs on the TY-90, it’ll be one of the best helicopters in game.


I definitely agree that a more modern Z-10, ideally with CM-502’s would be the best thaing China could receive for helicopters.

Also, I wasn’t aware that the TY-90’s were underperforming, as they are already some of the best air to air missiles in the game, what about them is wrong?


They been shadow nerfed quite a bit from the original introduction, helicopter lock range is down to ~2km, DIRCM works against it, and even now Tornados/A-10’s/Su-25’s/Ka-50’s/etc can reliably flare the missile. I was able to dig up a Chinese book on their air-to-air missiles and it had info on the TY-90, which is posted over in the TY-90 thread for China. But basically the seeker is a 4 element seeker taking from the mid-infrared spectrum and utilizes a digital processor to then filter out IR interference. This performance is ~Aim-9X levels of decoy rejection. DIRCM should not work on it either since it is looking in 4 IR wavelengths, blinding 1 will have no effect on performance. At least that’s my understanding of it, could be wrong on how it functions.


But a little strange, as I know, America TT is no need of AH-1W , while China can get benefits of it. So adding it to America TT is little strange.

but gaijin still added some no need things like blackhawk for US :D

It’s different, blackhawk is famous, classic, and cool, collecting different vehicle is not a bad idea. But we already had AH-1Z, so a AH-1W is redundant.

Someone should definitely make a bug report then, I understand why gajjin would make it easier to flair, as it would be unfair to have a missile that literally has no counter when no other nation has such a weapon, but it should at least be able to ignore DRICM

Not so sure, if see from DRICM’s side. Some say it work by using laser to damage the seeker, some say interfering.
IF it’s working by damage, multi IR bands won’t work.

A new suggestion can be made, adding a 19*70mm rocket pod for Chinese aircraft. At least Z-10.


Surprised I’ve never seen anyone talk about this prototype ZTZ-99A but apperently it uses a Norz type ERA on the hull, and has better plate coverage even.


Is there any possibility of getting Z-20?

Make a bug report

There are armed Z-20, but not many information, it is still under test and only a few blurry photo.

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I think the original article say the new type era is on turret, and pic 1,2 is what it mentions.


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I have tried to write suggestions for Z-20 (armed type), but there is really too little information and pictures available



That’s a turret testbed based on an original ZTZ99 hull. The blocks on the hull are likely just weight simulators

That doesn’t seem to be ERA, it’s a counterweight block,And the hull is an old-fashioned ZTZ99 hull, not a 99A hull

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I have another version of the picture, the 99A hull+the old-fashioned 99 turret


More special things
