Chinese Extended Ground Tree Discussion

There is quite a lot new stuff here in the tree, which i am actually looking forward for all these to be filled in this tech tree. It will be a big fun for sure, thanks for the hardwork there and i hope this will be considered.

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yes and the 140mm APFSDS round already had data of pen

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@Smin1080p sorry to bother you about this, but I wanted to see if we could get potential clarification about a hypothetical situation regarding the VT-4.

While the VT-4 isn’t confirmed to be coming any time at all, I was curious how Gajjin might handle its addition into the game, especially if a Thai tree might also be coming. My main concern is if China would be a receiver of the VT-4 since it is an export tank.

I hope we either get the VT-4 or M1A2T this update. I think the M1A2T might be more plausible tho since it is more or less the M1A2 SEPV2, and Smin said a vehicle is coming that wouldn’t of been possible a year ago, and Tuwan recently started training on their Abrams in September of last year…

Hopefully well know soon enough


Guys ,ZTZ-15 is officially regarded as a light mbt.Thus its name should be ZTZ-15.
Moreover,We can actually have a ZTZ-15(P), adopting a hydropneumatic suspension system, while it doesn’t have the extra armor,and its br can be lowered by 0.3, folded with ZTZ-15

No source supports the so-called ZTZ15.
Also we have too little information about Chinese hydropneumatic suspension system.

ZTQ15 is a light tank, VT-5 is the light MBT.

My memory system went wrong (Q A Q), you are right.

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I remember wrong. Type 15 is ZTQ-15.

Actually,it could be ,TW tanks compose 1 line ,while LT line need PTL-02

I don’t know if this is really a decent change but I want the MBT-2000 name changed to ZTZ90-IIM. As far as I know they are the same thing, and the name ZTZ90-IIM fits in the rest of the tree better than MBT-2000. It’s really just a personal issue I have with the name because its weird but oh well.

Chinese tanks generally have two names: one is from the undefined period (e.g. WZ1001), and the other is from the finalized period (e.g. ZTZ-99A). And foreign trade vehicles may even have three names, such as: domestic use (ZTZ-90IIM), before export standardization (MBT-2000), and after export standardization (VT-1).

So any name is correct

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While I understand that, the typical use of the name in the game right now is domestic use. So while an export name is technically correct, if it were to be used by the Chinese military (as is depicted), it would not make sense if the name it was given was an export name.

However, the Chinese military did not purchase the ZTZ-90IIM, also known as MBT2000, because there were no designated foreign trade codes (VT, VN series) at that time, so domestic standardized codes were always used before finalization. It was not until China had a designated foreign trade code that it changed its name to VT-1

PS: Image disappears

For example, VT-4 does not have a code name similar to WZ-xxx or ZTZ-xxx in China, only the code name MBT3000. Because the Chinese military did not purchase and use it, but instead sold it as a specialized foreign trade vehicle, it no longer obtained a standardized code name for domestic military use, but instead obtained a standardized code name for foreign trade

You’re probably right, but it just feels weird to see an export name among a sea of domestic-use names. It’s mostly a personal gripe that I have with it, because both are technically correct, but I still want to see it changed. If the MBT2000 and ZTZ90-IIM are the same thing, and the game depicts the tank being used by the Chinese military (who I understand did not purchase it in real life) why would it be called MBT2000, the name for export, instead of ZTZ90-IIM, the name for domestic use?

Before the names of the VT and VN series were confirmed, no one knew whether foreign trade tanks would be purchased by the Chinese military. For example, ZTZ-85IIM (ZTZ-88C) was a classic example. ZTZ85IIM was originally an export code for ZTZ-88C (the original ZTZ-88C was not used domestically), and 85IIM was modified based on ZTZ-88. However, the sales of ZTZ-85IIM were not good, but the Chinese military was interested in it and upgraded it again, becoming ZTZ-96. So the process of their development will have domestically produced standardized codes, and once it is confirmed that they will only be exported, they will obtain export codes again. It was not until the military reform in 2000, when VT and VN were established as foreign trade codes, that this chaotic naming was finally ended


ive added a issue for DTC10-125 // Issues

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VT-4 is from MBT-4000 ,bro.

MBT4000? China has never manufactured MBT4000, all information points to MBT3000

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