Chilean Ground Forces Sub-tree

It served the same purpose as the VT1-2. It wouldn’t be anything the game hasn’t seen before. It would make for a very entertaining and unique pure MLRS as it actually has AP capabilities and a fully rotating turret. I would personally grind it out during an event purely because of how dumb it looks. I’m always up for more testbed vehicles.

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okay, then I think I will make the suggestion within the forum and if I see a good acceptance from the community I will add it to the Chilean sub tree


@Rambolf well fair enough seems like someone didnt like the chile talk

seems more of a focus on pure rpg defensive seems like they arent considering / worrying about actual tank to tank combat


It’s really their only option.

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ABC would be nice, and Singapore would work well too potentially. Its quite frankly not the ONLY option, however it is under the best and most understandable option.


I want to clarify that the modernization of Chile’s Leopard 2A4 by Aselsan does include armor, in unofficial leaks from Chilean tank crews or people from the military area in Chile they assured that the modernization is divided into 4 phases that I am going to explain next:

  • Phase 1: Internal tank communications (Radios, etc.). This is the current phase that is about to end since they would be 90% done .

  • Phase 2: FCS and optronics, new independent periscopes for gunner and commander, latest generation thermal vision, turret and gun electrical system, 360° vision system for the driver, fire extinguishing and explosion suppression system, threat detection system nuclear and chemical.

  • Phase 3: Additional armor kit with high protection and low weight ballistic armor and protection system and reactive and composite lattice armor, particle shield (anti-detachment coating), chassis with high protection against mines, new anti-impact seats for the driver and crew of the tower.

  • Phase 4: still unknown, I will inform you when I know more about it but it could be the APS system


Also recently, the commander of the fifth tank division of Chile that operates the Leopard 1V in the south of Chile reported that very soon they will receive an upgrade in all their armored material, there are 2 hypotheses about what he meant, the first is that Taking advantage of the contract with Aselsan for the upgrading of Leopard 2, they could also modernize the Leopard 1V, which would also increase their BR within my Chilean tree. The second option is to buy new armored vehicles, possibly more Leopard 2, although it is not known which version. Personally, I think that the option of modernizing the Leopard 1V is more possible and logical, since currently the market to buy Leopard 2 is complicated by the wars that have been happening in the world, mainly in Ukraine.


I mean 2a8s are open to order.
Just only might need some time

Latin American tree, that’s the option

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Stop breathing copium

as interesting as that sounds, we know Gaijin isn’t going to add a whole continent as a tech tree.


You’re overdosing on it…


Benelux was declined, so there is no way in my opinion for latam to be a thing, same thing with swiss standalone


Are you referring to the Benelux terrestrial tree? When was it rejected?

Yes and i know smins statement to it as well.
Still *********

It would make more sense for the US to get Chile, From there aviation to there helicopters and even ground vehicles where given to Chile. Chile is the biggest buyer of arms from the US in south America.

No thanks. :)

