Chilean Ground Forces Sub-tree

Latin American tree, that’s the option

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Stop breathing copium

as interesting as that sounds, we know Gaijin isn’t going to add a whole continent as a tech tree.


You’re overdosing on it…


Benelux was declined, so there is no way in my opinion for latam to be a thing, same thing with swiss standalone


Are you referring to the Benelux terrestrial tree? When was it rejected?

Yes and i know smins statement to it as well.
Still *********

It would make more sense for the US to get Chile, From there aviation to there helicopters and even ground vehicles where given to Chile. Chile is the biggest buyer of arms from the US in south America.

No thanks. :)



i think you arent aware how sub trees work

the point you are naming makes it the most unlikely to make it a US sub tree
Because it doesnt bring anything to the US subtree, everything Chile would add. The US already has itself

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marders, leopards, stabilized bulldog, LAV3

and by far not enough

I don’t think the main nations need a complete sub tree, I am referring to the United States, Russia and Germany, since they have a fairly complete tree by themselves. On the other hand, Israel needs a lot of help in that sense since it lacks light, anti-tank and anti-aircraft vehicles. We also have to try to get Israel to its I-III ranks and Chile can help in that and the argument that Chile buys a lot from the United States too. It is applicable to Israel since all Chilean branches have Israeli equipment or have been modified by Israel, for more information please read my suggestion


but give everyone f16s f15s, OH and make them better than the America one. PS don’t forget ppl want the Abrams in England bc of Australia.

dont cry to me about that
i am a german main and everyone and his mother is getting leopards or even better leopards

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besides that the differences in the F16 /f15 capability are minimal compared to ground stuff

generaly air copy past is not as bad as ground one since air gets fought with 1 plane either way

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Even then, if other nations are going to come its just going to end up being 3 nations with abrams, 4 with leopards, and dont even get started on the russian spam. Just give the vehicles to their home nation.

Only true for air, because planes are just so much more restrictive and difficult to develop that a lot of nations just end up buying them

ground still has plenty uniques available and divsersity because its easier

Just sucks for the US that they are the biggest plane exporter and the market is so small.
And most nations only need 1 kind of plane while ground needs a lot different roles

England could get a Abrams bc ausies, The Japanese could get the Thailand Abrams. Even then, not an excuse for their to be better f16s than the American one. For the first 6 months the Chinese f16a was better, then it was the Israeli one with radar missiles at lower br, then the French had 9ms at 12.0 but Americas where at 13.0, ofc not anymore but still whos to say gaijin wont keep the trend going.