Thank you so much for your support, all for Israel to get their I-III ranks and have a nicer tree for players
No problem m8 I can’t think of a better country for a sub tree than Chile.
Turkey can have its own complete tree on its own, as seen in this suggestion
Yeah but if you saying like which nation can give the most unique stuff to israel i say turkey. Like they got a cool new stealth aircraft and that new tank. But if you talking about military history reason i say Singapore and Chile. When people always ask for which nation would be good for a israeli sub tech tree i always say either Chile, Singapore or turkey. Either way israel would get a leopard 2 and german main would be angry lol
Yes, I also say the same thing, Chile or Turkey, but Singapore does not seem like a good option to me because being a relatively new country it does not have vehicles or planes for low ranges.
As i said i don’t think israel would get rank 1 to 3 because gaijin would already add rank 1 to 3 years to israel years ago. Until gaijin add rank 1 to 3 to israel i still say Singapore is a good option especially for top tier with it 2a7 and maybe it future f35b if gaijin ever add stealth aircraft
still say Singapore is a good option especially for top tier with it 2a7 and maybe it future f35b if gaijin ever add stealth aircraft
Not really especially when you consider that Chile also operates Leopards and Israel has their own F-35 variant the “Adir” which is unique among other F-35 since they use Israeli weapons instead of their American counterparts among other changes to meet with Israeli specifications. the Singaporean F-35 is pretty much identical to every other F-35
Yes but the Singapore leopard 2 are much more advanced than the Chile leopard 2 and also the Singapore f35 are a little different than the Israeli f35 (it can vtol). Singapore can also offer it indigenous IFV and maybe the f15sg which are also very advanced, more advanced f15i (ik israel have another f15 varient but still) it can also offer it spyder anti air since if i not wrong israel doesn’t have the spyder in service. I have already made a singapore sub tech tree suggestion for israel which would be a good alternative for israel (still pending) if a latam tech tree ever get announced.
In my very personal opinion. Turkey would give low tier Israel FW 190s and He 111s, which I think would be neat. At high tiers the KAAN paired with the uniquely weaponed Israeli F-35 would make top tier Israel one of the most unique top tiers (when most nations will just get a basic F-35), which would be desirable considering how copy paste the air tree currently is. I still support both other ideas, but I like the Turkey idea best.
Singapore f35 are a little different than the Israeli f35 (it can vtol)
Doesn’t matter since Israel also operates the A variant alongside the Adir’s and the VTOL capabilities are only semi-regularly used in ground battles and a gimmick in air battles
f15sg which are also very advanced, more advanced f15i
Again doesn’t really matter since Israel still has an equivalent to it even if Israeli F-15C’s are worse in comparison the F-15SG’s. There is also talks for Israel to acquire an variant of the F-15EX (F-15IA) for the IDF using Israeli weapons
Also I noticed that you are focusing way too much on Top-tier content and who has the more “advanced” variants. That is nice and all but for people who do not play or care about top tier which is quite a lot of people, they would not be interested in those types of vehicles. To be quite frank an Singaporean Subtree for Israel is not that great in comparison to Chile.
In the context of ground. Outside of a few domestically built IFV’s and Armoured vehicles Singapore doesn’t really offer much that is interesting especially in the context of an Israeli TT and it is even a worse case for Air and Helicopters since it would bloat the Israeli TT with redundant vehicles. Also some of Singapore’s vehicles and vehicle upgrades don’t have as strong of a link to the Israeli Defense sector or even have no relation to Israel at all.
Since this is the Air suggestion, i’ll use examples that are aircraft: The Hunter’s that Chile operates has strong ties to the Israeli Defense Sector since they were upgraded largely by Elbit alongside Chile’s domestic defense contractor Cardoen, the Hunter FGA-74, the Hunter’s that Singapore operates is upgraded domestically with no Israeli involvement, it is the same story with the F-5’s, Chilean F-5’s were upgraded with Israeli weapons and expertise, Singapore’s F-5 were upgraded domestically with little to no Israeli involvement, even Singaporean A-4’s were largely upgraded domestically without any Israeli involvement, they may have some resemblance to Israeli’s A-4 but that does not mean it was done by them.
it can also offer it spyder anti air since if i not wrong israel doesn’t have the spyder in service.
Not really an argument since there is plenty of vehicles that are export vehicles that are in the TT’s of designer/manufacturer to the point i made a list of vehicles that fit that category
Vicker’s Mk.1 & 3 (UK-TT): These two tanks were intended for export with India and Kenya respectively operating them
AMX-32’s & 40 (French TT): These MBT’s were intended for Middle-Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar for example
OF-40’s (Italian TT): Italy never operated the OF-40’s and it is only operated by the UAE, Thailand trialed the OF-40’s as well
VT-4A1’s (Chinese TT): An MBT Intended for developing countries, particularly ones with strong ties to China and Russia as well as a alternative to Russian MBT’s with Pakistan being the most prolific user of the model
Class-3 (P) (German TT): It was intended for the South African Army with the only surviving vehicle of that type being in a South African Museum (though that specific Class-3 has a different turret) despite that it is in the German TT and not in the UK-TT
I can still keep going with this but i’ll stop it here, you’ll get the point
The point i’m making is that it’s doesn’t matter if Israel operated the Spyder SAM or not they can still have it in their TT since the Israeli’s still built it
I have already made a singapore sub tech tree suggestion for israel which would be a good alternative for israel (still pending) if a latam tech tree ever get announced.
There is three major flaws that I identify with this
Firstly it hinges way too much if Alliance are ultimately allowed, if out of a blue Gaijin rejects Alliance TT’s by principle (Gaijin doesn’t have a clear stance on this as the writing of this) which is a possibility. It would make the whole LATAM TT rendered mute since TT’s of that kind won’t be allowed anymore.
The second issue is that if Gaijin adds South American TT’s as independent nations rather than a Alliance TT (in the form of an Argentine and Brazilian TT’s) which is also a possibility. It would also render the LATAM TT pointless.
The third problem is that if Alliance TT’s are allowed it would make the addition of Singapore as an Israeli subtree an impossibility since it would be added to the ASEAN TT instead of Israeli TT since Singapore is a part of ASEAN.
I would personally have Turkey as an Independent TT since they have a lot of unique vehicles, particularly Ground vehicles, UAV’s and to a lesser extent helicopters to the point that a Turkish subtree in the Israeli TT would bloat it too much. Also the Turks (unlike the Azeri’s) wouldn’t be too keen to have their their vehicles let alone their TT rendered an Israeli Subtree
I definitely see the cultural issue and respect that. As an air main a Turkish Tree isn’t something I’d end up interested in sadly. Thats a whole lot of copy paste to finally get the KAAN right at the end. But ofc the majority of the community plays ground mixed battles, so my opinion is essentially irrelevant in this case.
For your f35 and f15 argument, it can be said the same with Chile f16. There’s more advanced Israeli f16 version of it but should it be remove from the sub tree? Imo nah just keep it their because i think having another country jet in ur tech tree is pretty cool. The f35B varient is just a cool addition to the tree though nothing really special in term of fire power or technology (other than the vtol) compare to other f35. For the f15sg it can be used to make israel relevant while waiting the the f15 IA to come something like how the fictional japanese f16 did.
There reason i keep saying top tier and advanced a lot is because most people are attracted to modern stuff in this game. That why the game is getting more popular than ever with f15, su 27, 2a7, t90s and more came to war thunder the player count has gone up, more level 6 noobs with their top tier premium and all. i trying to make the israel tree more popular and i guess more relevent to top tier (turkey could also fix that issue). Also singapore does have some vehicles that not top tier and well is mostly ifv, light tanks and anti tanks “cars”.
Isn’t the whole purpose of people wanting their sub tech tree to come to the game is because of their domestic military vehicles and Nope, i argue that a singapore air sub tree still can create uniqueness with it varients and British jets like f5s, bac strike master and Hawker hunters and t33. The only redundant vehicles are f16, f15 are a4 skyhawk and maybe f35 if they ever add stealth. To be fair this can also be said the same with Chile 3 f16 and 3 mirage (Kfir is basically a varient of it) but at least the lower tiers are different.
Yes but so as hungary to Italy. Hungary doesn’t even have any Italian vehicles or mods in tree yet they are being added. As long is help the tree it matter. The only reason i see why they being added is relation and i guess geography but i think is mostly relation. Spain or Portugal can be added to Italy since they got some proper military industrial history but they not being added for some reason. still quite a good number of singapore military vehicles are either help or have israeli mods on them.
Ok true with your export argument so i guess only thing Singapore can offer it AA is m113 ultra igla basically the body of the vehicle is American and the anti air weapons is Soviet. And if gaijin ever add thing like patriot or S300, israel could get MBDA SAMP/T.
Yeah but the latam tree is one if not the most popular voted suggestion in the forums but i could be wrong in the future and they could just add Brazil in it and even so chile could be a sub tree there.
NO ASEAN TREE PLEASE that tree is just full of copy and paste and would basically have the world military vehicles (like Russia chinese germen tanks, f18, rafale, f15, f16, sukhoi, British jets, migs and more that i am lazy to list) inside of it unlike a latam tree which would still be quite balanced from what i see at the suggestions. A asean tree would be very unpopular even people from asean don’t agree with this tree. What i trying to say is their no need for a asean tree when you can add better trees/
At the end of the day (imo) gaijin would probably just take some other random nation with the most copy and paste and put it on israel lol.
I will say it with great respect, I think this is the suggestion of Chilean subTT. I think you should respect the work displayed here. I advise you to make a suggestion for a Singapore subtree and put the proposal to a vote.
Came here from the Mirage 5MA Elkan suggestion
Another +1 for me, would love to see this!
Do you think it’s a good idea to add some of the two-seater versions? such as the Mirage 50 DCN Pantera, it has an elongated nose for extra equipment and was modified by Israel. These photos were taken by me during my visit to the Chilean Aeronautical Museum.
I added several bomber planes to rank 1 (PBY-5 Catalina, PBY-5A Catalina, OS2U-3, Junkers W34ba, Fairey IIIF Mk.III), I had not wanted to add most of them because they were copy/paste but Israel needs a lot of help in rank 1 so I decided to add them and this way the tree looks much more complete.
I moved some of the Chilean planes to other Israeli lines that were empty, for example in the first row Israel did not have fighters so now it has 2 that are from Chile, the NA-74 that was premium became an attack plane in the second line so it fills that space better now, the third line is made up of a mix of large bombers from Israel and Chile and the fourth line of rank 1 is dedicated to smaller Chilean bombers and mostly seaplanes.
I added the Vampire T.Mk.55 as a premium at rank 5.
The Mirage 50FC and 50CN Pantera were moved to the third line since they fit better there due to the history they have linked to the Nesher and Israel.
I hope you liked the changes I made, personally I think they are for the better and to benefit Israel. greetings.
I really do wish this would be implemented. Israel needs lower BR planes as well as more higher BR ones. i’ve completed my Israeli air completely and adding this would give so much diversity and difference of play style to the Israeli TT. This going to Israel makes since because of their close ties and Military equipment Israel produces for them.
Thank you very much my friend, I am happy that you liked the tree, I think that between the Chilean sub tree that I made and the suggestion of ranks I-III for Israel a good and competitive tree could be formed.