Chilean Air Forces Sub-Tree

I’m glad you liked the suggestion, have you seen the suggestion for Chilean tanks? I think you will like it even more than the aerial one.

Oh I saw it too. It’s amazing

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+1, a great pair for your ground subtree. Though like the ground subtree, the lower ranks (I and II) are probably too sparse to be worth adding and making players grind through.

Also, Rank VIII is pretty severely undertiered. Python 4s are 50g unflareable missiles with pretty decent range. Derbys have a similarly high overload though are limited in range compared to most Fox-3s, and AMRAAM C-7s are some of the best BVR missiles available. Because of the platforms these weapons are on, they’d probably be about .7 lower than Typhoons, F-15s, etc with equivalent weaponry but would still all be about 1.0 higher than listed for this tree.

More twin-seat armed trainers (F-5F, F-16B) would also make good premiums 👍

Have you also considered adding the Super Tucano as a sorta A-10/Su-25 equivalent?

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Almost all aircraft have a two-seat version but I did not want to overload the tree with the two-seat variants, although of course they could be added, personally I love the design of the Mirage 50 DCN Pantera with its nose so elongated by the Israeli modification although some They think it’s ugly that he’s so big-nosed haha

Mirage 50 DCN Pantera

F-5F Tiger III Plus


The truth is I thought about adding the Super Tucano that Chile has but I found it similar in capabilities to the Chilean A-36 Toquí that’s why I didn’t add it, but it could be added as a premium/event since it is a very good attack aircraft, in Chile they have been seen carrying a pair of AGM-65 Maverick missiles, I just don’t know what BR they could be on, maybe 9.0

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The Super Tucano based on my quick research is able to carry a wide variety of AAMs. With AGM-65F/G (65D but with larger warhead) and Python 3s (if Chile uses those on Tucanos) it’d probably fit quite nicely at 10.0. It’s slower even than the A-10 or Su-25 and has a smaller load, but Python 3s are the best non-IRCCM IR missiles in the game and with its prop engine the Tucano would be difficult to lock with IR missiles. I agree though that premium/event vehicle status would probably be best just because the design is so unconventional.

There I added to the suggestion the summarized history of the relations between Chile and Israel, so people who know almost nothing about this will have more context of why I decided to make this sub tree in the Israel tree

The problem is that I don’t know what weapons the Chilean Super Tucanos carry besides the Mavericks and the machine guns since there aren’t many photos of them carrying weapons in Chile, so it would be difficult for me to include that plane.


In fairness, you could make the case for it being able to receive theoretical armaments, there are such examples in game.

I have to mention that the Chilean low-rank planes are a good complement to the suggestion that @yoyolast made to add the lower ranks of Israel and that his suggestion was passed on to the developers, here I leave an example of what the Israeli planes would look like together with The Chilean planes, the new Israeli planes I highlighted with the Star of David and Yoyolast moved some planes like the Spitfire Mk IXc to lower ranges since they make more sense there.

The suggestion:


Yeah, that’s fair. I think for an event vehicle “hypothetical” armaments are acceptable. The Tucano can definitely carry Python 3s (as evidenced by this Ecuadorian unit) and Chile has a large number of Python 3s in service. Putting them on the aircraft isn’t that big of a stretch, especially when many aircraft have entirely fictional armaments in-game.

I’d rather not with how terribly balanced that would be.
Unfun gameplay for both the user and the persons fighting it.

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Oh, that’s much fuller. Still quite sparse but more worth adding.

Of course, hypothetically I could add all the weapons that it has been seen carrying in other countries (as can be seen in the cutaway) but as @Mahiwew says, it is something difficult to balance, that’s why I would keep only the A-36 Toquí, which is also Nationally, the Super Tucano is Brazilian, so some people from Brazil may feel uncomfortable that one of their favorite planes is on the Chilean tree rather than with their own flag.


Speaking of the A-36, why is it 9.0 with magic 2s? Those are highly manueverable all-aspect missiles with FoV gating IRCCM. They’re only found at 11.3+ for a reason.

It is not known if they were really capable of launching that missile, although in some places they say yes in their technical specifications. In addition, that missile was only seen here in Chile in a static position next to the plane, but it is known that it was used in those planes was the Shafrir II missile that would be the official one, due to balancing issues I would omit the Magic 2



I’d like to see Chile as part of a Latin American tree in the future but the issue with the LatAm tree is the higher tier ground vehicles, with a severe lack of MBTs (please correct me if I’m wrong). With that being the case, and because Chile’s equipment is not super disruptive to Israel’s existing tree, I think if they were to be added right now Chilean vehicles would be excellent for an Israeli subtree.


Thank you very much for your support, actually in Latin America we do have to fill the high ranks of the three branches (land, air, naval) Brazil recently bought the Centauro 2 which could be BR 11.7 in rank 8, the best tank currently in Latin America it’s the Leopard 2A4 from Chile that can reach BR 11.3 due to the ammunition it uses and because it is currently being modernized with Aselsan (new latest generation vision, thermal and night devices, latest generation fire system, electric turret drive and APS against missiles are the things that are confirmed), we will have to wait a little to see if they integrate new armor but from what the BR has now it is justified. As for anti-aircraft systems in Latinoamerica we also have it covered. There is a pending suggestion of approval quite some time ago about the latam tree, I wish a moderator could review it since there was a minimum thing that needed to be corrected about a survey and it’s already fixed.


A good point though France had Israeli premium vehicles even though there was a embargo on Israel as well.
I think Gaijin is not stream lining their choices enough to work by what was added in which way and what tendencies can be observed.
Israel is a option of course but I’m not sure wether it’s needed.

I’m in support of this sub tree to Israel not only lot’s of historical connection but also style of equipment too.

They are really healthy for the match maker for this sub tree.

Well done m8 : )


I gave a new look to the promotional image of the tree to make it look better and took the opportunity to add the planes that have been implemented to the game recently, I also added the low range planes from Israel that are shown in the suggestion of the I-III ranges for Israel that can be found here on the forum