Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

damnn. thanks for the info.

By 1.7 tonnes? And 300km/h max speed?

If you have data that suggests the installed thrust of the motor or the top speed is incorrect, please present it so we can have discussion. Otherwise the model has no comparison and no datapoints from which to show it is erroneous.

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Here states Mach 1.6 max speed which means 1920km/h or 1186 m/h. The current in game stat is 1571km/h.

That is a garbage source, and you should not be quoting blogs or random articles.

Feel free to discuss this one though

The data from the was from 2010 Zhuhai Airshow where it was said to be 84.4 kN, this is the page I am really talking about JF-17 Specifications | JF-17 Thunder where it is labelled as Mach 1.6 and 1920km/h which aligns with most sources.

The drag curve decreased a liittle in and reach top later in about 1.1MA, not good as F-16 but better than before.
I’m starting being busy in work and stuck in information collecting, sorry guys, the issue may be delayed forever.

Every secondary source says the J-10 uses the PL12.

He meant IR missiles and J10 do not use PL5EII at any stage.
I think PL8B stock is much better.

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Just short for Advanced short range air to air missile

Oh, wait it is integrated with British stuff as well? Or is this just standard NATO stuff.

Pretty sure it’s just terminology, there is a missile called ASRAAM but it can also mean most modern short range IR missiles like MICA and IRIS-T. I think the PL-5E II is described as an ASRAAM in brochures.


I assume it is just using ASRAAM as a name for short range missiles in general, not the ASRAAM missile itself.

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That would be SRAAM, ASRAAM is only used in reference to the actual missile. And since it’s compatible with anything that can mount a LAU-7 it is compatible with the JF-17.


It’s a bit better but still not normal, I’ll try testing it again. has some stuff on delta wings aerodynamics at trans and supersonic speeds, I will be lazy and get txyz to do it but never the less I still want the FM to be better.

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Pl-8B in the game would basically be Pl-8 with the R-73/Pl5Eİİ İRCCM right?

It features a PL-9 style all-aspect InSb seeker and a programmable digital processor, which offer a wider off-boresight angle. I don’t know about the IRCCM, it has HMS too.

PL5EII irccm should be the same as TY90 as all 3/4 (PL9C) share the same seeker. I am not sure it is the same as R73 but currently there is no digital processed dual band IRCCM so yeah, closest is AIM9M but yeah, China had a bit of jump from PL8B to PL10.


Gaijin won’t do that right now, so I’m guessing it will be just R-73/Magic 2 İRCCM for balance