Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

JF has 4 on the X-ray

Looks like the gaijin FM department cooked again… The JF-17 is a flying saucer. Anyone tested the j10 yet?


Everything is so subject to change that JF-17 can still fly sideways


Where’s the Data link and PL-8B?

Apparently, the DL is infinite. (From what I am hearing)

Infinite DL? that’s new I guess

Have had a few test flights and it feels amazing. Too bad they’ve got the naval event going, so won’t be grinding the J-10 out til after. Only thing I noticed is they still have the bog standard flare loving PL-8 in there. No one in their right mind would use the PL-8 over the IRCCM PL-5EII.

The acceleration is still the same?

Didn’t use it on test server. Just my initial thoughts in it compared to J-11, etc. Not sure if it has been changed since test server or not. Won’t be giving it a good test til after naval event.

Can you test the time taken for 1-1.5 mach at 6k altitude. It was slower than Mig 21 before.

no, gaijin forget 2 lines in the radar part.
weaponTargetsMax and launchedMissilesPredictedPositionsMax

it’s said have reduced a little, but not a big change

I just get back and till updating my game so haven’t test it myself

Y’all chill, they added the datalink channels already in a hotfix 15 mins ago.

Why HMD lock is still 10km tho?

It seems like it is 19km, but it says 10km on radar scope. Try locking targets up past 10km with HMS PD, it is no issue.

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Why are there only 4 data links in 1473? The 1473 model is more advanced than the 1492 model

1473 should have 75-90km range right and not 70. It’s like GAIJING took the lower bound and then took more off it, like RD93 was 40-84 kN, but in game it is 36-67kN.

They replaced the F16 HMD with the horrible green circle HMD in the cockpit view. Please does anyone have any sources that can help revert this change? In simulator mode which I mainly play the HUD doesnt show locked target and now the HMD is gone. Someone please do me a favor.

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İf it is not American/European it is not allowed to be great komred!


The HMD of J-10A irl was copied from russian Su-27 helmet sight, so this is accurate for the J-10A itself

75-90km with 50% detection, 70km with 80+ %, Gaijin gave them benefit of the doubt and said it is 70km for 100%.

The RD93 has installed thrust losses accounted for in the x-ray view, the uninstalled thrust will always be higher. This is the case with all jet engines and aircrafts.

You can only put in a suggestion.

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