Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

Sadly, gaijin not ready add PL-8B on J-10A, J-8F and JH-7A this month

But hopefully gaijin add PL-8B for next major udapte in late october

I wasn’t very specific, he didn’t even answer my question. I haven’t been at my PC for the entirety of the dev server nor have I datamined recently. What ordnance is it carrying that is a-historical?

I disagreed with the idea that it should come with standard PL-8’s because most other aircraft in its’ peer group come standard with IRCCM missiles.


It is an export missile, compatible with the airframe no?

I think pl5e can be mounted on J10

It can’t carry any form of pl5


Never seen, but could very well be compatible.

recently, it’s accepted. modelling is not a problem, they just call it pl-8, and C&P a model, give it IRCCM, and rename it pl-8b

No, it did not. In fact, the HMS the J-10A uses was built for use with the PL-8.

Thanks for clarifying, J-10A only used PL-8s so unless it came with PL-8s without IRCCM it’d come with no FOX-2s.

One solution could be adding PL-8B as only option but adding PL-11s before PL-12s.

There are photos of pl5s on j10s

Please show me.

If PL-5s historically was not used, maybe the next best thing is the J-10A getting x2 PL-8Bs stock, then the next upgrade is the PL-8 on other pylons, then PL-8Bs to replace it (that way it fullfils the criteria that the J-10A having PL-8/PL-8Bs only, and the J-10A gets stock IRCCM missile)



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Seems like complaint about why only China gets gliding bomb (LS-6)

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I can’t see gliding bombs being super useful besides bombing in air rb, I might take one or two in ground to throw at SPAAs but it’ll take so long to get there they might not even hit the target

I might believe PL-5E II no prob for J-8F and JH-7A

2x PL-8 stock instead PL-5E II

6x PL-5E II replace with PL-8B

For J-10B, J-10AH and J-10C. but not J-10A

What? every plane at same BR has stock IRCCM, and you are saying it doesn’t have it? PL8B is the same as the israel F16 then just with better radar and worse manoeuvrability.

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Why? Mig-29SMT/J-11/Su-27SM gets R-73s (IRCCM) stock, F-15C/F-16C/Gripen gets Aim-9M (IRCCM) stock, Mirage 2000-5F gets Magic 2s (IRCCM) stock; it only makes sense for J-10As to at least get x2 IRCCM missiles stock at 13.7

And this is addressing IF the J-10A never had PL-5s historically. That being said though, PL-5EII would be nice for other Chinese aircraft but that’s for their own topics.

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6x PL-8B to Tier 2 modification as the J-10A

Not all aircraft 13.7 BR, maybe

At least I want Shenyang J-8F and Xian JH-7A received PL-5E II (stock) instead 2x PL-5B & 2x PL-5C

For J-10A, 2x PL-8 (without IRCCM) stock instead PL-5E II

2x PL-8B stock on J-10B