Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

I think China doesnt use this designation anymore. China sold some JF-17s to Myanmar and those had the JF-17 designation instead of FC-1

possible, because it’s sale is authorized to Pakistan to avoid some military export restrictions.

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I mean Pakistan is selling 12 to Iraq for 1.8 billion dollars, christ that was expensive, they only got them for like 40 million each.

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Maybe it contains ammo, training and future maintenance, and 4000million is just the plane

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There’s no PL8B RN and only 4x PL12 now :c

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Gaijin compared the J-10 against the JA39 so I hope it is a good dogfighter. The empty weight of J-10 is 0.975 tons, and JA39 is 0.8 tons, so I think it might be close.

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here is the photo, should be 6 fox3 capability


It has no IRCM capability according to you gaijin



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Wtf a top tier with no IRCCM, way to go gaijin.

They changed this in the dev server it seems, you cannot carry more than 4x fox 3 from what the load out tab said

It’s a non-US plane and they nerf it just because hahahaha.

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Yeah I know it can carry more IRL but I’m saying the in-game load out tab said no more than 4x

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I know that’s why it makes me angry that they can do whatever they want with the airplanes.

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I don’t mind completely because I was going to take 4 IR and 4 ARH anyway, but what I’m really peeved about is the lack of IRCCM IR missiles

They didn’t even take the time to preview it in the Russian dev stream, so I’m hoping that it is just incomplete right now.

Looks like the load out screen from the EN stream lied!


I was just about to post this. Thank god.

Still no IRCCM tho :/

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