J10(basic type) is equipped with laser guided bombs and pods.
J10(basic type) equipment day night laser irradiation pod.
The Q-5L is also equipped with the same type of pod
J10 can use low-altitude navigation pod, which integrates forward-looking infrared and terrain tracking radar.
J10A uses the same type of pod as JH7A
August 19, 2024, 10:51am
J-10 basic equipped K/PZS-01 targeting pod and domestic chinese laser guided bomb (GB250 & GB-500J) like Q-5L ?
This’s K/JDC01A. But not K/ADC03A
Apart from the difference in numbering, they are actually the same type of pod.
JH7A’s pod has other numbers as well.
I have updated some pod pictures in the comments above, and you can see that the J10(basic type)'s pod is the same as the Q-5L one.
when the j10a comes out we must be very vigilant about the equipment that gaijin will give it and file bug reports if necessary, the J10a should not be the same fate as the J11A
Wait a McMinute, the second image, is that a double rack PL11? Doesn’t look like PL12 to me but it might be
It really looks like PL-11, could however be just another photoshop, who knows.
Yeah it really does! But, why Photoshop that on an obscure image?
I don’t know. I’ve seen quite a few photoshops of the J-10 with some weird choices (best example being PL-12s on almost every Pylon).
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Yeah fair enough in that regard. If this is real however, that’s actually really big for the J10 base model
Hmm, maybe its not photoshop, used multiple scanners.
Actually, cut that. Its most likely a mock-up. The “real” J-10 with number 10132 is a J-10S.
August 19, 2024, 6:04pm
First time I meet navigation pod for J-10
Chinese navigation pod equivalent AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod and AN/AAQ-20 Pathfinder ? 🤔
While we’re at it, do we have the specs on the pl11’s that the j10 carried? I’m assuming they’re not just the base model ones, like they’re the later upgraded ones or something but I don’t really know anything about it.
PL-11A, PL-11B potentially but 11B never entered service.
this pod will allow us to use the YJ-91 air-to-ground and YJ-83 anti-ship missiles??? I also hope that the KD-88 will be in this update
I know what they’re called but what’s the difference between them
That’s not PL11, it’s double rack PL12.
This image is a full-size model of J10 from Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, which is a real aircraft model modified from a retired J10.
Is it a mock up or one of the early models?