I have not reviewed any materials, have you considered that the F-16 may have better power to weight in this region of flight? At what altitude?
600m, and it behaves very strangely, it’s like the drag increased suddenly after supersonic.
Gaijin officials cited interviews that were not originally qualified as evidence in the issue area, and as evidence, they “increased the overall air resistance of J10 by 11%” (unpacking message)
Yeah so I flew her last night, and it was alright up to mach 1. However, anything past mach 1 felt extremely slow in terms of acceleration like the engine suddenly lost half it’s thrust the moment the sound barrier broke. Kind of felt like an F11F-1 trying to push past 1.01 lol! I’m certain it’s a bug because that just… Didn’t feel good, nor make any sense, with the rate of acceleration just dropping right at 1.00 mach.
I harass them, I pity them but now the report is sent for J10 😅 🎊🎉🎊🎉
Community Bug Reporting System “J10A”
Community Bug Reporting System “JF-17”
for those he wants to play the JF-17 I made a report so that he can fire the C-701 which will make him more effective. the same report for the J10A has gone to acknowledged, the report for the JF-17 will have more chance to be validated by all, I ask you all for great support!!
Thanks a lot for the information.
How much range does the PL-5EII have in game? (in actual match)
same as pl-5b/c currently
They glide pretty good, about 5 miles on someone who’s dogfighting so they’re relatively stationary. They’re generally roughly pretty similar to a aim9L.
From dev server PL-5E II like PL-5C. But gajin fix overload to 35G and including IRCCM in live server
already added IRCCM? r-73 type or aim-9m type
TY90 type in theory, should be exactly the same although that too is underperforming.
I know, pl-8b too, so I want to know what it’s like in game
PL-5E II in dev server lack IRCCM & 30G maneuvrability
I hope gajin fix PL-5E II maneuvrability to 35G and add IRCCM after update to live server
PL-8B with IRCCM & 40G maneuvrability like R-73 but flare resistance slightly better, my guess
engine thrust increased, 100kgf normal, 300kgf afterburner.
but resistance of wings also increased a little, tail and elevator decreased a little but surly can’t make up for the wing
Why gaijin keeps increasing its wing’s drag? I know its a delta wing so it should produce higher drag compared to traditional wings but why increase it with each update?