Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

Community Bug Reporting System “J10A”

Community Bug Reporting System “JF-17”
for those he wants to play the JF-17 I made a report so that he can fire the C-701 which will make him more effective. the same report for the J10A has gone to acknowledged, the report for the JF-17 will have more chance to be validated by all, I ask you all for great support!!


Thanks a lot for the information.


How much range does the PL-5EII have in game? (in actual match)

same as pl-5b/c currently

They glide pretty good, about 5 miles on someone who’s dogfighting so they’re relatively stationary. They’re generally roughly pretty similar to a aim9L.

From dev server PL-5E II like PL-5C. But gajin fix overload to 35G and including IRCCM in live server

already added IRCCM? r-73 type or aim-9m type

TY90 type in theory, should be exactly the same although that too is underperforming.

I know, pl-8b too, so I want to know what it’s like in game

PL-5E II in dev server lack IRCCM & 30G maneuvrability

I hope gajin fix PL-5E II maneuvrability to 35G and add IRCCM after update to live server

PL-8B with IRCCM & 40G maneuvrability like R-73 but flare resistance slightly better, my guess
engine thrust increased, 100kgf normal, 300kgf afterburner.
but resistance of wings also increased a little, tail and elevator decreased a little but surly can’t make up for the wing

Why gaijin keeps increasing its wing’s drag? I know its a delta wing so it should produce higher drag compared to traditional wings but why increase it with each update?

yeah what’s going on with the constant drag increases? Wonder when it will be more draggy than a B17


delta wing should have low drag in supersonic speed and high altituade compared to traditional wings. Most delta wing planes choose this to meet the need of high speed air fighting, like J-10, EF-2000, especially early intercepters, like su-15, mig-21, f-106.
but in low speed, it need high aoa to produce enough lift, causing extra drag.
so strange


It currently feels like I’m dragging a cow behind it.

Feels like B29 RN.

Egypt to replace F-16s with China’s fighter jets (
Well maybe someday a random Egyptian dude will come out and speak the truth XD, but I doubt Gaijin would care anyway

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Got the same book but in english, should I post some images tomorrow when it’s light?


After some work, sadly, the work of J-10A’s resistance in high speed is harder than I thought.
Gaijin’s high speed drag simulation is quite rough, making detailed realistic drag papers/curve found by google scholar useless.

Is there any text book in aerodynamics design/plane design, that contains comparison of high speed drag between delta wings and traditional wings.


You have to take into account relaxed stability which is most likely J10’s case