there’s no way dual pylons cause a plane like this to have more air resistance than a F-4 Phantom
and besides, you ahve said drag even without pylons equipped
great they added the LS-6 for the JF-17, the J10A, J8F and JH7A can also shoot them,
I made a report which explains all that
no,I didn’t say anything about “without pylons equipped”, I’m too busy to study it’s flight performance these days. everything I know are from others, and I doubt some of the information, I would test it with my friends if possible.
but if it’s really the pylon’s problem, there would be no way to issue it
The bomb looks nice, I’ll enjoy watching it glide to the target
IRL the LS-6 has around 60 km range to shoot in the best conditions (speed + altitude) me who plays a lot in simu 13.7 I will love to explode the AAA missiles at the enemy airfield :)
Anyone wanna explain why China gets a JDAM ER equivalent while nobody else gets glide bombs? If China is getting the LS-6, the US should get JDAM ER, and Russia should get the UMPK Kits…
There’s a pretty clear discrepancy in the tech used in the bombs being added, which will lead to the LS-6 vastly outperforming the other nations GPS guided bombs in range and accuracy…
A minor nation just can’t have something unique for a little while can it
No cry from you when America was in the lead for years tho
for air-ground weapons the games are quite unbalanced when you have to compare the minor nations to the major nations, the Russians with their KH29TD, the Russians with their AGM 65 IR these weapons are very boring in game, I don’t see why the addition of the LS-6 gliding bombs only for China will create an imbalance we are talking about GPS bombs which are only used on “static targets”, the JDAMs have a range of approximately 15 to 18 km and the LS-6 60 km of range, to shoot only at “static targets!!!”, the update is called the dance of the dragons I think it’s China’s prime at the moment, China has the right for once to be slightly advantageous on an armament, right?
“minor nation” lmao
Also, no, its clearly unbalanced, and other nations literally have an equivalent.
Not like other nations already have Mavericks, Kh-38s, PGM-2000s on top of getting GPS guided bombs.
Because americans and russians get to have unique mechanics for months while everyone else waits
This is a hilarious argument because it solves nothing, and borderline assumes I am ok with that lmao. Unique mechanics are generally poor for the game, nobody is happy about them except the ppl that enjoy abusing said unique mechanics.
I’m actively playing China atm, and intend on getting the J-10A as the first vehicle ill be getting this update, doesnt change the fact they should not be getting JDAM ER/UMPK equivalents when other nations arent.
It solves nothing because Gaijin doesn’t want it to be solved, if they did we’d stop seeing the major nations get unique mechanics before everyone else, it’s working as intended
it’s also important to remember the update isn’t out, they might add them to other nations anyways
Does LS6 glid much far or faster than JDAM? I think both JDAM and Kab500S can hit 10+km targets and there isn’t much difference between their performance.
By the way, when talking about equivalent, China sill can only take 2Kh29T while US can take 4AGM65G and Russia can take 4*Kh38MT.
I believe there is need for cry about glid bomb, after all the difference between LS6 and JDAMs is much smaller than the one between AGMs.
Yes, the LS-6 can apparently hit a target 13km away from 1km alt drop atm. the range on them is VASTLY superior to the JDAM/Kab, and actually makes it longer ranged than the Mavericks you complain about as well.
no, you can eassily throw a JDAM 20km away without wings, it’s not that different
if one day, you can throw something 50km away, it may be different
Not from a 1km alt drop
then, fly high, it’s not tv guided things that asking you to get close enough to lock on, just stay high and far , you will be safe