Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

great thank you, thanks to your encyclopedia the report should go to acknowledged

All of these reports are actually being acknowledged! That’s a first.

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in your encyclopedia I see that the C-701 missile is mentioned for the J10, if we can make a report to implement the C-701KD in the J10 it will increase the multirole aspect of the device and will be a great victory for us to have more Chinese weapons


C-701KD variant with Electro-Optical seeker

in your encyclopedia I see that the Yj-7 / C-701 missile (export version) is mentioned for the J10, if we can make a report to implement the C-701KD in the J10 it will increase the multirole aspect of the sets sail and will be a great victory for us to have more Chinese weapons
stats similar to AGM-65
page 29

the C-701 has an interchangeable head to switch from AR version: active radar seeker
T/KD: electro-optical seeker

its big brother the C-704 can do it too

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Do you have any images of it on the plane

Just wanna say the amount of teamwork going into bug reporting this aircraft so it can be the best it can be is absolutely incredible.


for C-701


Is it 100% confirmed C-701 be utilized to target ground units?

I’m having bad flashbacks of Japan’s GCS-1 IR guided bomb being refused because the dev reasoning was that it can only target large IR signatures for ships but not ground targets, even though evidence suggests otherwise.


yes the C-701 can target ground units, the C-701 has interchangeable heads, it has a T and KD head which are Electro-Optical seekers

25 km range, speed of M0.8 for a weight of 117 kg with an included load of 30.5 kg HEAT
I made a report in my previous post with the missile information


the image all says sap-he, is it right?

Because that spec sheet is for Anti ship variant. Most anti ship missiles use SAPHE warhead. Air launched one probably has HEAT warhead as its more efficient against ground targets.

I know, that’s why I’m curious about that he said it’s a heat, which only used in early Anti ship missiles to pen the armor of battle ship.

I think he meant HEAT warhead is used in the Air launched variant and SAPHE is used in the naval one.

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This is clearly a copy of the Wright Flyer!!!111


cata 1

The C-701 anti-ship uses SAPHE but for the T and KD version this is not indicated, the C-701 only has 30.5 kg which may appear but explosive is used, I remind you: (AGM-65, composition B explosive 39 kg for 830 mm pen) - (AKD-10, HTA explosive 5.21 kg for 1 400 pen!!!)

find the type of explosive to use in the T/KD version

Well looksie here.

I had already made a report on the LS-6 and FT gps bomb

I know, I’m telling you that they listened. Though only for the jf-17 so far. We’ll have to wait to see what they do with the jh7a and j10.

Now, the resistance of J10A is too high.

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