Haha, the forum is your life, right? put grace in your life
I rarely enter the forum and I have always seen you for 3 years
as horrible as your overall stats
Man, i can’t even comprehend this.
What did you smoke?
6x PL12 my beloved, just have to hope for PL8B as well
Pl-5’s are a bit concerning. They can’t really weasel around the Pl-8B, the Pl-5EII (Pl-5C and E are the same, next upgrade was EII → DE) shares the same technology as the Pl-8B. Seeker: Pl-8B = Pl-9C = TY-90 = Pl-5EII. The only thing comparable would be the AAM-3, which is already heavily nerfed. I’m going to bet they will give us a ‘Pl-5E’ and make up IRCCM for it with ‘sekret sources’. Would love to be wrong
as a reminder of the J10A weapons
Don’t think that’s 100% correct on the bomb load.
yet higher up in the forum there are photos of the J10A with these bomb loads, we just don’t have an image of the J10A carrying the KD 88/YJ 83/YJ 81 nor the 1000-1 bomb
I mean the doubled up gbu’s. I’ve never seen that.
Any other way we could view this, I’m in China RN so can’t use youtube, and I can’t wait 3 days to see this.
someone can export it and send it to you in DMs
I found it, it’s fine, but will the 3 FABs on Su24 are scary. I wonder how much CAS J10 will get.
should get plenty of GBUs, it’s a multirole after all
Depends on if it is J10A or J10 early. SHould be the same for JF17?
they can’t be that intent on milking us to give a J-10 early, i will riot
I hope not they said there are sources on it not having PL12 for a start and that will be halarious, I would 100% want them to reshape the current TT.
it’s the J10 “A”, the pre-series J10 cannot use fox 3
TT needs a new line with the J-8s and J-10 as a ‘domestic’ fighter line, since the J-11 line will evolve into a modern sino flanker line while there are more JH-7s to come to add it to that line
They can also have it separate like the Russian tech tree where Migs and Sus get separated, in this case 成飞 and 沈飞,or heavy vs multirole fighters like J10 + J7 for a line and J11+J8 for a line. And move JH7+Q5 line to bomber line as a solution like Mig27s.
I just hope they don’t add it to the J-11 line, I still need to fully research the second J-11 lmao