That picture I thought was nice, but it could well have been J10C since the over exposure in the background. Any other way than the antenna on the back to separate them?
It is hoped that the CAS capabilities of the J-10B will be about the same as that of the JAS-39C, with at least four FnF missiles.
You just kinda have to take source at face-value, which state that it is a photo of J-10B.
Also, ngl early J-10 flight demos are much more aggressive than now
Might be because of that mid-air collision back in 2016 that they decided to tone it down.
So has anyone attempted to find hard numbers for the Cd0 of the J-10? I just find it wild that it has so much more drag at mach 1+ than every single top tier delta wing in the game.
Yeah, seems wrong cause it just doesn’t follow any consistent pattern. I also doubt that the decrease will be so small past Mach 1.5 considering it particularly had a number of supersonic optimising measures.
Classic gaijin nerfing a Chinese jet for no reason just because they’re better than Russian jets
IIRC, Gaijin changed the drag numbers past mach 1 because of an interview with a test pilot on chinese state tv, where the pilot claimed that the aircraft started vibrating concerningly past mach 1.4 at some altitude (I cannot remember the exact claim). So in response to this information about potential overspeed damage to the airframe, they completely neutered the ability of the J-10 to accelerate past mach 1 at all altitudes.
That is not a reliable source though for two reasons according to Gaijin’s own standards: 1. It was an ‘experimental’ jet, a prototype rather than a real J10, so we can not conclude that the same would happen to the production version as up to now there are no reports on similar circumstances with any of the serving J10s from 2005 to now, 2 decades. 2. It was said to start vibrating concerningly or what ever wording he used, but that does not indicate the drag need to be increased at supersonic speeds, as we know vibration is not caused by drag or at least not directly.
Gaijin also never publicly admitted to the fact that this is the source they used, since CCTV interviews and stats are not considered good enough for any bug reports anyways.
Well that was the hearsay at the time AFAIR.
Well yeah, so there are no known sources suggesting J10 actually has those issues in production blocks, so IDK why Gaijin did it.
How do u play F16A MLU? Just asking. So bad.
I stay around 4-5000 meters where you don’t have a long trail behind you, fire at aircraft 10-15 kilometers away with AIM-7M, unless if it is an F-14 then you have to defend early game and wait for them to be distracted before engaging.
Well uptier as well, AMRAAMs just shoot u out instantly if u go that high, also need to mind the 60 CM and slow acceleration.
Mhm, this is true.
I was only playing the MLU because my friends only had 12.7
I only play it with my friend in 13.0, if I crashed my J11 and got it locked. J8F is quite expensive and I can’t be bothered to buy it.
That MiG-29 who is not in a squad with you has quite the name. Miracle he got all the way to the MiG-29 without having to change it.
Guy on the other team also has a pretty bad name.
People are certainly being people