Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

@Gunjob Is it possible for u to have a look at this issue?
Also it seem to feature a new double pylon similar to that of AMRAAM ones.

J10 can carry PL11s?
A bit pointless I’ll admit. Still quite cool.


Early production version. the PL-12 was well prepared later than J-10A, and fitted J-8F first. before PL-12 fitted J-10A, it used PL-11, and J-8F was the only ARH carrier In PLAAF for a short time.

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12.7/13.0 J-10A early with no arh would be nice to have, also would give another reason for MLU to get its full potential without having to worry about china not having a “good 12.7/13.0” plane


yeah, the reason for F-16A MLU stay at current position is that it has its position(SARH + irccm IR missile) here in this br, and J-10A early can replace it.

F-16A Block 20 MLU doesnt have IRCCM. It A2A armement are 9P with 9L and 7M

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I love the sexy diverterless intake.

my mistake

Hi, I just got the J-10A recently, aside from the usual missile gimps, the radar also seems to be comically low range compared to its peers? Doing some light reading I see websites claim a more reasonable 120-160km range than the pitiful 75km range that the KLJ-3 gets right now. Do you guys happen to have usable sources that I can make a big report with to get its range to be more reasonable for an early 2000s radar?

It’s perfectly usable within the capabilities of the PL-12, alongside the fact that it’s gimbal limits more than make up for poor range, nothing to complain about imho

I mean if they’d just slash the insane drag the missiles have and give it a more proper radar range I would have no qualms about it going to 14.0, as long as they’d give it performance that it should have. Besides the point is what it would reasonably have and not “does it work within the game meta”.

I don’t really see the point, cause at this point, the FM and TW ratio are not things we can change, and they are very much what makes 14.0s 14.0s. I have played too much J7E now that I play everything in that style, but from my experience with J10, try not to spam against AMRAAMs or any other missile, if a missile is coming your way early, notch it fully, enter the fight late and try to survive a bit more. PL12 works a lot better between 2.5 and 12km, try to keep it within 8 though in a tail chase.

I have heard that the J-10 has more drag than it should but that’s more or less besides the point, I’m pretty sure the J-10 still comfortably beats out just about every 13.7 so its performance gameplay wise is not what I’m having an issue with.

I know it’s like beating a dead horse at this point but when are they going to fix the TGP animation for the J-10A?

Also where’s the x4 guided munitions loadout? Or do we have to wait for the J-10B/C releases until Gaijin decides to fix it?


There are also A2G weapons that are unique to China, such as the C701 or CM802, do we have to wait for the arrival of the J10B? China’s CAS is already the worst.


I made a report about 5 months ago gaijin validated the chinese guided weapons for the j 10A and JF17, but for gaijin the priority is the milk cow nations USA/Russia

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If Gaijin treats China the same way the United States treats, then they will make more money. Because China is a huge market, a fraction of the hundreds of millions of players would be enough to feed Gaijin – and it’s a shame they didn’t realize it.


I find it amusing that Rafale and Typhoon were worked on almost instantly while the patch specifically for them is still ongoing (hell, even Rafale got its full x8 AAM loadout a few days ago) but the J-10A still has a gimped loadout and a broken targeting pod, and no A2G missiles since September 😂

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Pretty standard.


accepted, at least two more LS6 for now, can’t find any info on LGBs though.