Chat Ban

Well so is the chat and the squadrons by that logic. The point is what was sexual about the post I had made.

Dont open that can of worms lmao.

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A Feminine boy. It’s a short version for it. It’s nothing sexual. A Male who obides feminine stereotypes, there’s nothing sexual about femboys. That’s the point.

That is irrelevant to my statement. Related to the fact that decorations and decals are optional.

Yeah i suppose your speech compared to porn, looks tame. But your speach on its own is already bad enough. Stop making your chat ban about anything else than what you said and did.

A femboy is someone who is biologically a man but presents feminine mannerisms and traits. Some people use of the word in a derogatory way.

It’s a male who has feminine characteristics. Sometimes this is done as a joke. Sometimes it’s not. However, that’s there thing I just stare and question and walk away. I already deal with it in the 5 borough city with a green lady who watches over with a migraine and a headache.

Im just guessing if your clan have a discord. You seem pretty upset about porn in war thunder, but what kind of content do you share on your(if you are part of one)war thunder-femboy-discord? lmao. I dont want to know the answer. Is that discord by any chance advertised on your ingame clan site?

Is there a girl version of femboy? Asking for a friend.

lol i dont know man, google it lmao

Tell me what you find plz ;)

I would get banned too

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I think the rabbit hole and the degeneracy goes a little deeper than a chat ban lol


In response to the title and story: probably just against the rules to joke about certain terms. Too tricky to define, so summed up as “Foul language of an explicit sexual nature”.


Actually forget what I said. Ban that guy

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lmao. Based

I could keep digging, and I would need God to save mine, and your soul. The whole squad should get nuked

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Sherlock Homes is on this case. I think i got a lead^^^^^^^^^^^

Probably the end of this topic

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