Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

The balance is broken. Air defenses cannot save NATO


Most of my kills are with SPAAG like Ito90, FlaRakRad, and Adats. They are the best for killing since they stay still thinking they will hit you from over 12 km away. Not to mention the helicopters I can also locate with the KH-38MT missile. The only downside I noticed with the Su25 using the KH-38 MT is that it sometimes ends up locating tanks that are on fire on the map. As for the KH-38 ML, which is to disable, I can’t kill much, since I have to launch it from afar and most of the time another Su25 has already killed it or a Ka-52… Since the Russian CAS is so strong, there’s this competition of who kills more. I’ve noticed that playing as a Russian it’s difficult for me to die from CAS, I feel like War Thunder should be like this, you have more fun since dying to planes and helicopters is very frustrating. But playing as a Russian doesn’t sit well with me, I feel like I’m somehow “cheating”, it’s just too easy.

As you can see in the screenshot, I’ve barely started playing with the Su25m3 and I’ve already managed to kill 73 top-tier tanks like Leopards 2a7, STRV 122+, Ambrans, etc. I only died a lot because I had to play a lot in realistic plane mode to get the KH-38s. If we were considering only realistic tank battles, I believe it’s 8 deaths for 73 kills. I’m playing as Russian to prove that it’s really overpowered since several Russians here are saying it’s not. The proof is right there.

Note: Having an aircraft to take down the Su25m3 is pointless because as soon as it spawns, it can launch all four of its KH38-MT missiles, which will already take out half of the enemy team. If a Gripen or an F16 shows up, it will have to traverse the entire map to kill me since missiles are ineffective due to countermeasures. They will have to shoot me down, and I’ll be flying around the airfield to land, undoubtedly getting shot down by anti-aircraft fire. In short, this aircraft is broken.


Nah, i shoot them down regularly with vt-1s. Pretty funny to see the SU25 pilot J out and ragequit when they realize their “fun” has been ruined tbh.

With all that being said, Intercepting a missile doesn’t give any reward, and the moment 2 su25 spawn at the same time, this tactic becomes irrelevent.

SPAAs will soon be able to resupply their missiles, but what they should do is lowering the cost of an interceptor, to the price of a rocket-equipped heli (so first spawnable). Second thing they should do : give SP, RP and Lions for shooting down enemy missiles in SPAA, like the scout drones for example


The one thing they always forget when they use that argument is the possibility that there is other aircraft doing air superiority on the Russian team (along side the Pantisr which is the best SPAA by a long shot and there is usually more than 1 pantsir spawned in)


I’ve had to stop playing 11.7 this one plane in particular has completely ruined the whole bracket unless your playing Russia.

Until other nations get spaa to deal with it I just can’t play top tier anymore, just not fun blowing up to someone with zero way to respond not fair or fun.

As many other have said if you spawn a jet against Russia to attempt to kill it, sometimes you get killed before you can even hit the deck by multiple pantsir’s.

Hope gaijin can come up with a solution.


The reason the Su-25SM3 was added to War Thunder: Russia had win rates lower than 50%! An OP CAS jet to go along with their OP SPAA was needed!


Funny. The fact that any other nation hasn’t got an equal SPAA to the Pantsir since its addition is beyond absurd. There is no solution for Gaijin because they will never add NATO SPAA thats equal or better then Russia’s.

Don’t forget that Russia was stated that they would be getting the TorM1 after its addition to China first. Can anyone point to the TorM1 in the Russian TT? No, why? because instead Russia got the Pantsir in the following updates.


Actually, Gaijin arbitrarily limiting SPAA to only single-vehicle systems is the problem. They could add tons of systems right now if they just implemented non-moving radars at spawn, with the launchers being player vehicles.


acktually NATO doctrine says…

Top tier is woefully umbalanced with no equal to Pantsir in other TT. With the addition of SU25SM3 and more stand off munitions eventually coming to WT, what are the lesser AA suppose to do? Be free kill pinatas?

There are SPAA systems that exists that could be added for other nations that equal to the Pantsir or a slightly better then the Pantsir.

USA: Hisar-A(15km Range) + C&P Libyan Pantsir(18km Range)
Germany: IRIS-T System (25km Range)
China: HQ-17 (15km Range) + HQ-17A FM-2000 (30km Range)
Israel: HVSD/ADAMS (12km Range) + Spyder AA (20km Range)
Sweden: IRIS-T System (25km Range)
Italy: CAMM (25km Range) + Draco w/ DART
UK: MMEV (25km Range) + CAMM (25km Range) + Sky Sabre/Land Ceptor(25km Range)
France: Crotale Mk3 VT-1 Missile (16km Range)
Russia: Pantsir S2 (30km Range)

@SpeclistMain is partially correct. Type 81 was a multi-system vehicle but was implemented as a single-vehicle system since Japan is stretched thin for SPAA.

A portion of the AA I listed are multi-vehicle systems such as the IRIS-T for Germany & Sweden. Gaijin needs to expand their purview when it comes to SPAA addition with Multi-Vehicle systems being made into single-vehicle systems.

Edit: IRIS-T SLS (~12km Range). IRIS-T SLM (~40km Range)

Sweden: NASAMS HML (30km Range)

Edit 2: Type 81 is a multi-vehicle system but can operate as a single-vehicle unit. Its both


Do you have direct evidence that the Type 81 cannot fire without communication with other vehicles?

afaik it can fire without communication with its radar vehicle/fire control vehicle.

lets imagine a scenario where the pantsir gets added to usa

now, lets try doing cas on both sides with pantsirs, the main cas of either country thats in game rn

guess what sides’ cas gets more kills?

I don’t think a Pantsir should be added to the U.S. What the Pantsirs massive advantage is is range and speed. The Pantsir can shoot down incoming missiles very easily.

That depends theoretically neither if the Pantsir plays correctly. This also depends on how many Pantsirs and CAS aircraft there are.

They could add NASAM to the U.S. tech tree (and other tech trees) if they would do what @SpeclistMain said with having a on map ground radar

2v2 on both sides

1 pantsir per each team, 1 cas plane per each team

all players are in fully upgraded vehicles, and they give their best performance

The Pantsirs will win on both teams if played correctly.

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wait can both sides rearm?

The Type 81(C) works standalone same as with seperate FCS, the previous (A) and (B) relied on multi-vehicle batteries.

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I’m not well informed on the technicalities of the Type 81 system so I guess I shouldn’t be making statements on it but regardless, just as much as the Type 81 can be considered and single unit vehicle it can also be considered a multi unit vehicle, no?

It can operate as a standalone system, but it can also be operated with a radar vehicle and fcs vehicle?