Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Since most people are defending the non-stolen SU25m3, I decided to pick it up and play as Russian. I’m averaging 6 to 7 tanks per match with the SU25m3, I just don’t kill more because the match is too short. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them. I’ve never won so many matches playing War Thunder, playing as Russian; out of 10 matches, I win 8. I was playing as Swedish and German and it’s not like that. Well, I’m not a good CAS player, but I’m wrecking the enemy team, if that’s not overpowered, I don’t know what is.

Note: I lost because the majority of the team was American, it’s difficult to carry the American team on your back…


proof for everything you said

also youre not telling us how many spaa the enemy has up

Literally all 16 could be in SPAA and it would make absolutely 0 difference. He can fire 4 missiles and RTB before ever entering their max range, let alone their effective firing range.

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Bury your head in the sand all you want, it doesn’t change reality


you know what you said is not true

thats why you dont want to do it😉

I could do it? You’re the one pretending it can’t be done easily

then do it

Doesn’t really matter, KH38MT outranges all SPAA in-game.


it does matter but ok lmao

never thought of intercepting?

If by intercepting you mean a fighter coming in , sure its possible.
However ive personally never seen anyone spawn a fighter just to intercept CAS outside of Squadron Battles.


cuh intercepting the missile

with 16 spaas that is very much possible

I mean , yeah thats possible too, but again, not enough people do it. I did launch a KH38MT at a FlaRakRad once, all of his VT1s just phased through.


because he was locking you, remember, gaijin disabled proxy until late in the lock

if he was locking the missile it wouldve exploded

From what I can understand, only the Pantsir have the ability to lock onto the missile just because of how fast the Kh-38MTs go (Mach 2.2).
For reference, the Kh-29TDs go Mach 1.8, and mavericks go Mach 0.9.

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Nope ITO-90,Flarak and even TOR-M1 can do it.

Problem is Su-25M3 can just go back to airfield, rearm and spam those KH-38’s until Spaa runs out of missiles not to mention it can outrange any enemy spaa effectively.

Su-25M3 is nothing but a broken cas plane.


Can the ADATS or OTOMATIC lock onto it?

I believe ADATS can also do that but for some reason ADATS missiles cannot trigger KH-38’s.

Have no idea about OTOMATİC tho.

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You know whats even funnier to do? When the Sim bracket for 10.7 , 11.7 comes around, using it as an Airfield killer. Come within 20km, launch at the place where planes usually spawn on the runway and enjoy.

Don’t know what game you are playing but i see it almost every match since the su25sm3 was added. Maybe not everybody has a problem in a change of tactics.

İm also doing the same cheesy tactic in Ground Rb.

Launching those Kh-38’s from 10km’s to planes or helicopters, works like magic.