Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Very fake


or you know… kill the incoming su25

You can’t with SPAA. 20KM vs 14 max unless you’re Russia (That’s literally my only issue with it)

shoot his missiles 4 times mission diff easy


bugreproted already

Its still definitely viable. Just don’t rely on locking it lol.

That might be a bug though so I made a report about it. Curious to see the outcome. Community Bug Reporting System

I’ll go ahead and call it “Not a bug” and closed

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my dude i dont think you realise no su25 pilot is gonna turn around just to fire 4 agms from 40km then go back rearm and do the same, its not efficient

maybe wait to see it in battle first before making assumptions as usual

not to fucking mention the fact that planes spawn at 15km max, i was using 20km as the distance i would go max

Have you seen F-14 players?

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no way youre serious right now LMAOOOOO

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SO now, when soviets finally get something to give back on suffering against western CAS there is horrible crying.
Just deal with it like soviet mains have done until now. Enjoy getting missile on your tank or spa from orbit and keep talking legendary, play AA , take a jet and counter it etc etc etc. Cas is horrible on top tier , and now enjoy that CAS is fine, they are meant to kill ground targets talk. Somehow there is something bittersweet on these post about su’s missiles. :D
And still remember, that CAS is still SU25 platform, it’s nothing like F16, Gripen, etc manouverability.


Bro’s talking as if MiG-27K didn’t have a free reign against “the West” for over a year


It’s all come a full circle.


Just the usual. Good ole’ Russian Bias.

Ain’t it grand?


except the fact russia hasnt gained good cas since 27k, which while yes, did dominate for about a year(gr7 was added in september 2022), it never had more than 4 missiles, now whet does america have?

and what does russia have thats so “potent and op” ?

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You’ve missed the point completely, congrats.

and what does russia have thats so “potent and op” ?

Good thing I never said that, maybe take your words and put them back in your mouth instead of mine?

Yeah, damn that is such of a game breaker, and dealer of death on 2 Tv missiles,
and having optics from area51 experimental team

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Right, so we can just forget about 4xKAB-500L or 4xKh-25ML that reigned supreme until F-16s were added?

Cool, double standards in plain view… “just deal with it lol”.


which is

its a question genius

That MiG-27K was pure terror back in the day? I included the entire premise in the original statement, and you’ve somehow missed it, then changed the goalpost from the 27K itself to “b-b-but Russia didn’t get anything good since then!!1”.

its a question genius

It’s called special pleading.

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