Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

This guy gets it, listen to him.

He doesnt.

pantsir has auto track now… 💀

you mean the automatic lead that sucks balls and misses all shots ?


wdym then

The automatic lead that doesnt miss the shots

it still misses the shots at the automatic lead

At below 10000 meters it is rlly good.

What don’t I get then?

That “Automatic” lead on pantsir missile , makes it gradually worse.
It starts tracking target and places missile course to spot X, where it would intercept that target, but now when your locked targets starts making evasive manouvers your missile is actually wasting a lot of energy when trying to take a new course where to intercept, and if he heads down changes are that your missile ends on ground like radar missiles on air RB.

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Something im not sure if its been mentioned in this thread yet, but the SM3 is beyond broken in sim battles, fortunately held back slightly by the room temperature iq of Russian mains.

There is literally nothing any ground vehicle can do against it if the pilot has an inkling of an idea what he’s doing, and I’ve often seen the missiles be used to kill enemy team jets (because the missile covers most of the map and gives 0 warning) and helicopters (a bit more rare cuz they have MAWS and laser warnings, but are also much slower than jets so there’s not much they can do in some cases).

The Kh-38’s and the Su-25’s are obviously broken beyond belief, its purely mental gymnastics to pretend they are in any way balanced, but nobody should be suprised, since this is the nation that got the Ka-52 and the Pantsir, both systems that vastly outperform everything else in-game to this day


Apparently, the website from the KH38 manufacturer indicates that the current KH38 performance is incorrect.

its already by FAR the best missile in-game, and shouldn’t have been added. Not like adding 30km of max range will change much for it anyways, it already has almost 4x the range of any SAM it faces, it’ll just make it even better than it already is at killing planes.

I’d personally prefer it be completely removed from the game, but I do stand by the fact things should be modelled properly if they are added


Honestly adding stuff like that is fine
But only if
A: all nations get something like that
B: All nation get a spaa that can intercept it properly…

But this special treatment with russia is well
A gaijin thing…


This will reduce the maximum flight speed of the KH38 by half, while increasing the rocket’s operating range from less than 4KM to more than 20KM.

360-380 m/s is medium speed, maximum is >2M

Almost a month later and top tier is completely broken. I’ve been trying to grind out the Leclerc AZUR today and over half of my deaths have been to Kh-38. Other nations SPAA doesn’t cut it top tier is broken. I’ve watched 5 different mediocre players get two kills and pull this machine out and wipe my team. I unlocked the S21 this morning and this is my win loss with it


I was playing as Germany and decided to focus on upgrading the entire Swedish line. But guess what? I keep getting shot down by Su25, K52, and Pantsir. Dealing with Russian tanks isn’t a problem for me—it’s just that Russian Close Air Support (CAS) is absurdly strong. The servers are full of Russians, which says a lot. When will Gaijin address the game balance issues? Everyone’s complaining on the forums, but nothing seems to change. Honestly, it makes me want to stop playing War Thunder. There was a time when I didn’t play for 2 years because of such imbalance. And mind you, I also play as Russian, but I wanted to diversify my gameplay. However, it’s becoming impossible to play with other nations since the Russians are extremely unbalanced.


As long as its in Russia’s favour, never or only after a couple of years (took them ± 2.5 years to address BVMs spall generation ““bug””, and even then it wasn’t entirely fixed).