Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

I dont recall the maverick hitting out to 20km like the actual original argument stated the KH-38 can.

Posting a video of the maverick hitting a target at 14km while having almost no remaining velocity just further proves that the KH-38 has superior range.


Its nearly impossible to get mavs to work at range in WT tbh.

Between the excessive contrail formation punishing anyone flying at anything higher than like 5000-6000m, TGP’s being unable to lock targets properly beyond 12km, somewhat poor zoom/resolution (particularly brutal when trying to use thermals in VR I recently had the displeasure of discovering), ans the mavs seemingly anemic kinematics, they struggle at ranges they should reasonably be able to be used at.

Doesnt help that the Su-25 and Kh-38’s doesnt have to deal with anything more dangerous than a VT1 (which the Kh-38’s have almost 4x the range of) while all other CAS gets to deal with the Pantsir, which not only ouranges all other CAS in-game for the most part, but almost all RWR’s are incapable of picking up a lock or launch warning from the Pantsir


40km (Kh-38ML) vs 12km (VT1)


lock range is 20 but it is 40 and the laser one can go from that range

Congratulations to those involved! More than 17 tanks were destroyed by the missiles stolen from the Su-25. Keeping at maximum distance, they launched all their missiles and selected targets one by one to kill. There’s simply nothing to be done.
They kept killing the tanks at respawn, this is very ridiculous.


Man I found a funny mini game inside WT. Take UHT, hide somewhere and snipe exclusively pantsirs, they get mad like no one else does, it’s hilarious and satisfying, a bit hard though


good keep it coming

Wish such was possible with AH-64s and such, the lack of F&F missiles prevents doing such as the reaction time of pantsirs is too quick for a hellfire to arrive.

You rarely see AH-64’s in GRB, just sometimes the british one as early match spawn to farm light vehicles with Starstreaks. Most spawns are russian helis, some chinese. All others rarely seen, either too weak or impossible grind to reach them.

Same for planes. Most spawns are Su-25 with this Kh-38ML super missile. Other jets rarely seen. Sometimes a F-16… but basically GRB is about russian helis and russian strike jets. They just have the best stuff, combined with no competitive AA systems for opposing teams. Pantsir will be always playing with them, keeping the sky clear.

I often play SPAA to do tasks. It feels like 80% of all air spawns are russian helis and Su-25 variants. Its also funny: When you play with russians in your team, you often have no opponent air spawns at all. Ppl probably avoid spawning stuff for 800 spawn points, just because Pantsir can’t be countered.

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yes if i want to play i chose USSR if i want to suffer i can chose any other nation, right now game is super unbalanced, only USSR has AA(20km range, yes i did it), su-25sm3 just a lol, su-27(ok, so so but we have su-25), t-80, i even play on 2cm25 to get su-25, and of course no matter to speak about mi-28 and ka-52 again just a lol, in 3-6 month if nothing changed we will see only USSR against USSR as we have right now on 10.0-11.0 or just a lot of players like me will try to find something better

It isn’t lol


indeed, it isn’t…

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Because it isn’t?

You’re once again trying to spread misinfo. Last time it was “FlaRakRad is better than Pantsir”, now it’s ItO that’s on the chopping board.


Yes it is.




Would you care to show us your logic?

Because as everyone else sees it, the Pantsir carries more missiles, those missiles are better, has a much better radar, and actually has guns.

The VT1s are generally better now over the Pantsir’s missiles, other than range. However, Pantsir would be better at dealing with the Su-22M3 than the Ito would, though, just because its radar would be able to pick up its missiles and act as point-defense. The guns on the pantsir also help with dealing against AGMs, like the mavericks.

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Not really.

RWR on Su25M3 can actually detect Pantsir’s radar lock and missile launch, it can effectively engage or disengage depending on the situation.

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I did say better, not that it can actually deal with Su-25SM3s.