Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

This is real, my STRV 122b+ has the commander’s view obstructed with a cloth, it has already been recognized that it is a BUG, ​​but Gaijijn simply does nothing. This is already 6 months old…

its funny how everyone only looks at top tier and disregards everything else

have you witnessed an a6e destroying your whole team while in the stratosphere? no? then dont talk

said treatment when only top tier is counted:

not to mention, f16c:

  • 6x gbus
  • 4x 9ms(invisible in grb)
  • supersonic
  • use it well and you cant be killed by anything


  • 6x kh’s (2 only usable within 10km)
  • 2x r73
  • subsonic
  • get slow atleast once and you die

Whenever other nations have something, Russia has something to counter it. You mentioned the CAS F16s, but Russia has the Pantsir, which can target them from 20km high, making it very difficult for CAS operations, this is called balance. When Russia has something stolen, like the Su25m3, they don’t provide anything to balance it out. It leaves everyone vulnerable to something they can’t defend against. You talk about the past, but I’ve been playing War Thunder since 2013, and I didn’t even know what “Russia bias” was, but if you stop to look, Russia has always had something overpowered in the game. Let me mention a few instances:

1 - In the early days of War Thunder, when most players only played arcade airplane battles, the most overpowered plane was the YAK9T with its 37mm cannon, which was a one-shot kill.

2 - Russian bombers with their cannons that killed everyone, including a super-fast jet bomber that also killed everyone.

3 - When they introduced tank mode, the top tier was Germany and Russia. Germany’s tanks were fighting against Cold War-era Russian tanks like the IS-3, IS-4, etc. Germany had the Jagdtiger fighting against an IS-4, which was absurd.

4 - Modern tanks like the MBT and KPZ against the T64, which had more armor and incredible firepower. It only took hitting one of these two tanks anywhere to make them explode.

5 - The introduction of helicopters, where only Russia has the best helicopters like the K50 with a range of 10 km, which can lose its tail and keep flying as if nothing happened.

6 - Several overpowered and stolen rare tanks in the game, like the IS-7 and various objects.

7 - They added a first-generation A10 for the Americans and added hundreds of SU25s for Russia.

8 - In the top-tier airplane mode, it’s impossible to fight against Russia in Beyond Visual Range (BVR) combat since they have the fastest missile in the game.

I could make an almost infinite list. And mind you, I play with Russia and other nations. I’m starting to think that War Thunder is Russian propaganda in the form of a game. I hope I’m wrong, but since 2013, I’ve seen many strange things in this game.


yea my friend, except you havent played against the f16c, once it gets high enough, you cant see it, and you cant shoot back

woa a big cannon one shots

when the design is better than other countries :(((

back then they did historical matchmaking so whats your point here

lacked reverse and mobility, all youre saying here is russia has a great tank design

again, design advantage

what the hell do you mean stolen? theyre experimental tanks just like the e100 and maus… and theyre just as rare

ok how does this relate to overpowered russian vehicles?
the reason theres so many su25s is because russia lacks proper cas, while the us, does not

gonna change soon so this is invalidated, er was added because r27r was trash

Bullshit claim.

Pantsir’s radar angles are so good that you need to fly directly above in order to not to get caught and even then blindzone is quite small.

Russia with better design? Cool story bro.

Yea im pretty sure T54 1951 model saw the Tiger-2’s in real life, oh wait they didnt.


i updated it read it again

its 83 degrees, if youre at 5km the pantsir wont see you but you will it, you have thermals after all

literally every country said that russias design of a very hard front with a carousel was a very good design of its era

yea my fault og, gaijin balances by capability

They balance based on ‘capabilities’ first, then afterwards they balance based on statistics.
T-54 at 8.0 doesn’t make any sense when there are much better options at 8.0.

Its 85 degree and if enemy f-16 managed to get into that angle then its entirely your fault.
Pantsir is perfectly capable of shooting down any plane before they can get into that angle.


More like stats, Russian mains was so bad that they need to fight against Tiger-2 in their 1951 model T-54.


bro rlly thinks a no1 russia main doesnt know their shit

not quite, not my problem the other pantsir cant hold the air while i respawn, if theres no pantsir while they spawn and go up there we are doomed

Another thing worth mentioning: At 11.7, you’ll always face Su-25SM3s (if they take them), while you may sometimes see F-16Cs (if you get fully uptiered). Not to mention the fact that Su-25SM3s can face 10.7s.

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Considering i have better results than you while using Pantsir yea i do think i know better then you.

Not spawning early is entirely up to you and your team but just because F-16 managed to spawn earlier and get into that position doesnt mean its broken, its entirely your teams fault.

Su-25SM3 is completely broken, people like to use ‘‘but its a slow cas plane’’ excuse but speed doesnt matter anything when you can just lobb missiles from 20km’s.

Its my best performing top tier cas so far and its not even funny tbh.


oh but if a russian jet does it suddenly its op… lol

then show me those 85°

I’ve seen top squadrons use Su-25SM3 in SRB at 12.7, and it still performs really well.

That’s the thing, even if you do have SPAA up while it spawns in, NATO spaa cannot even deal with it.

Difference is Russian Su-25 doesnt have to deal with Pantsir, it can easily stay outside of NATO spaa’s range and can effectively engage with them, not to mention it has MAW system and advanced RWR that can recognize Pantsir’s radar lock and missile launch.

Nothing come close to Su-25M3 when it comes to how effectively you can engage with ground units.

Try to find better excuses please.

Have you ever thought checking that information on the internet? You might wanna try it.

we are talkimg about top tier whats 10.7 doing here

That’s my question: Why is 10.7 getting mixed up with 20km range missiles?

nah i wanna see those 85° you mentioned because as far as i know the highest it goes is 83°