Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

it was a laser guided not ir guided

interesting, still landed 10-15 meters short.


ye except on video the laser is directly on the target


No wait haha it did get Iron Fisted, reloaded the replay and it showed the launcher move this time;
Default position;

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well i guess iron fist can now track many targets at same time or intercept atgms that are not even tracked by it

Probably the replay being buggy, has two sets of forward radars so should at a minimum track two targets. Assuming it can only track one target at a time per radar.

except you can see that the missile went almost straight down on him so i do not think that ironfist should be able to react to that

Was only 10-15 degrees in the terminal, Iron Fist tracks up to 55 degrees. You’d need to be much higher to hit at that angle.


Both Trophy and IF’s AESA arrays can track 25+ objects per Rafael’s PR statements.

Not really a stretch for a modern radar, especially an AESA one to be able to deal with multiple targets.


Oh I’m sure its capable of tracking loads of targets at the same time, I was just in reference to in game and at a very minimum I’d expect each array to track a target each.

Can you link that up? I was looking for maximum number of targets for a while

I looked around, but i cant find any value that would suggest how many targets APS can track, so i guess 1 per radar pair (also why are radars in pairs?, i guess for the sake of attaching left launcher to left sensors, even tho the radars should be independent)

Currently, nope, this is a memory from 2015 after rooting through the Rafael website on the wayback.

Its probably still there but I have 0 interest in badgering the wayback to find it again.

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remember people saying that maverick is usless beyond 10km ?

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İ dont remember anyone saying that, difference between Kh-38’s and Mavericks are time to impact and angle of attack which both of them gives significant less time for enemy Spaa to react.

they still can be used at long ranges to destroy anti airs everyone that cried that only kh-38 is able to do that at long ranges forgot that maverick can do the same and most of aa’s wont have time to react anyway

U sure about that?

İn this video Pantsir easily intercepts first Maverick despite it was fired from relatively close range, he died to second one due to not paying attention.

F-16 is a better cas platform due to its flight performance and the number of ordnance it can carry but KH-38’s are superior to any AGM in this game, actually if you take 65G’s Su-25 becomes better due to F-16C getting stuck with Gbu’s on iner pylons.

Also remember Swedish Gripen doesnt even have access to advanced version of Mavericks, it can only carry AGM-65A versions which doesnt track any vehicle until it gets in 3km range.


because its slow AF

Gotta love trying to deal with Russian CAS with CAP(especially when they are in orbit) only to get merked by a panstir 😃 when your trying to get shit done