Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

No worries.

Yea in good conditions it can do such things.

İ believe Pantsir is the biggest problem in thay combination. İf Russia had Tor-M1 instead of Pantsir this problem wouldnt even occur.

True, restocking on spawn points should be introduced as fast as it can.

Despite i have it i never used it, might true.

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  1. I say, “Those are missile slingers, and most IFV’s can take them out if they’re actually close.”
  2. You say, "“And…?” You’re agreeing with me here.
  3. I say, “So why would anyone play an SPAAG that has little to no chance against tanks when they could just play an IFV and have capability against both tanks and helicopters?”
  4. You say, “Then play an IFV? You get the Freccia, the KF41, the VCC-80/25, the CVV-80/30, the VBC…”

You agreed with me that SPAAGs at top tier are useless, especially when IFV’s can take over the only niche SPAAGs have (very short range anti-helicopter duty).

They’ll get shot down as they enter SPAA range as they have to still guide those missiles.

The counter in the form of ground vehicles is actually SPAA, that’s why they exist. Currently only Russia has (and China, arguably) useful SPAA at top tier.

That is in no way agreeance? What kind of social ineptitude to you need to have to take somebody inquiring as to why you said what you said as agreenace?

No, I didn’t. I said that if you want to play IFVs, you have IFVs to play. None of them have the capability of the SPAAGs of Italy, so what relevance do they have?

The F-16C and Gripen both have active A-G missiles. 20km is well outside of SPAA range. 1 + 1 = 2.

No, the counter is other aircraft. When an attacker can outdo an SPAA in every single way, what does that leave you with?
Other aircraft.

The effective range of AGM-XX’s in game is at most 13-15km

You do know SPAA exist that have ranges greater than 12km? Gaijin should add them, because the ground vehicle counter to CAS is SPAA (because planes are not ground vehicles).

The AGM-what?
A-10s can launch AGM-65Ds out to 10-12km. F-16Cs can launch them out to 18-20km. The maximum track range of the AGM-65D is 24km, same as the AGM-65H, though the 65H’s track goes out to 24km instead of the 65D’s 20km.

Sure, such as what?
There’s an idea of a B1 Centauro with the ADATS turret… Just an idea though, it was never built, let alone tested.
There’s a B1 with a SIDAM turret… Oh, wait, SPAAG bad… Forgot that, sorry.
There’s the B1 Draco- Shit, yeah… Again, SPAAG.
What about the LMV? I’m pretty sure they mounted RB-70s to that thing… Sorry, wait… Didn’t you say 12km+? This is only 7…

By all means. Name me a single Italian missile SPAA that crosses the 10km boundary.
Bonus points for one that actually existed and was a real vehicle.

Keep moving the goalposts though, it’s hilarious. I love going from “But helicopters use missiles!” as a counter to SPAAGs, to “But IFVs do the same thing!!”, then to “But the SPAA can’t fight against tanks!” (they can), and finally, the idea that missile-bound SPAAs are superior in every imaginable way.

this is AGM65H
Only 12km o tracking (Band0) range.


Yup, my bad on that. Reading’s hard.

German tree player as usual… No need to be angry at me

No Gaijin did not implemented fantasy equipment to nerf Germany. They did implemented AIM-9J on the F-4F when AIM-9L was not a thing in game yet.
They did implemented the Juliet to not release the German phantom with germany’s Bravo sidewinder.

You should remember this, as far as I know you were already playing at that time.

In general: it was long known that Germany would be in the same situation as minor trees on the post war era (for air tree only) irl Germany did not loose its capability to build plane but they did not bought or built much war plane.

Thinking that Germany would receive the same treatment as US and USSR on the air tree at high tier was foolish.


AIM-9L was already in the game (added in update 1.85, December 2018) for a long time by then, F-4F (Late) was added in “Red Skies” (June 2021).

They did implemented the Juliet to not release the German phantom with germany’s Bravo sidewinder.

They straight up said F-4F is not getting 9Ls because they want to keep it at a lower BR:


9J was the only alternative to 9Ls (because 9Fs would make it a 10.3 aircraft.

To be precise, Aim-9L is already ingame since the addition of the AH-1Z, which happened in 09/2018.

I completely agree with this, I made a post about this long time ago, people hated me for it


First plane to receive aim 9l was the f-104S ASA in 2022… Sure the aim 9l was added on a heli… That has nothing in common with the F-4F… Please guys just take some breath before being angry and writing message, look at the facts not just what you want.

I’m not saying F-4F doesn’t deserve Lima today I’m just saying that it receive Juliet to make it playable just like other countries received things they didn’t have to make their vehicle worth. So yes Germany received also special treatment sometimes.

You said that 9L was not a thing in the game, implication being that it was not present at all - what I did was prove that it was already in the game, regardless of the platform. In addition, ASA was added less than a year after the F-4F (Late), something to the tune of 9 months give or take a few days, and I’m pretty sure it was only 0.3 BR above it at the time.

Point is that F-4F should’ve had 9Ls from the very beginning, most German mains I’ve talked to supported such a decision even if it meant the jet was to be up BR’d to 11.3 (it was 11.0 back in the day), it was Gaijin’s selfish decision to provide Germany with this “special treatment”, that very few supported.


The MDBA iLauncher is a joint air defense system made to work in tandem with a separate radar-carrying vehicle… That, or you can use a laughable excuse for an onboard sensor suite, being akin to that of the Ozelot.

The Spada itself is a fixed AA battery… This makes as much sense as Russia getting an S-125 as a 12.0.
Hell, what squadmate would still want to be your friend after you ask them to drive this thing around for you?

The other two are just as stupid, being dependent AA platforms with a horrible means of launching and laughable performance below 5km.
Even the CAMM you say is 25km has been proven to exceed 40km, and I have no doubt that these are as sluggish as a 9M331

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ha sry to hear that

reactions can vary from thread to thread

Yes and no.

MIM-72G don’t pull very hard… but they don’t need to, as they are smokeless IR missiles with Stinger seeker, which is pretty good at rejecting flares. The same seeker can easily lock up coming jets at ±7km, which is plenty for a 10.3 SPAA.

Lack of lineups or radar for BVR detection, ineffectiveness against (Russian) IRCCM on helis, as well weather vulnerability are legitimate concerns though.

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There’s no ability to lead, and it’s not capable of reaching very long ranges, when something is close to the battlefield, it needs to pull, but it can’t.

Very helpful yes, but it’s the top SPAA, which really really sucks given where it’s supposed to be used at.

The fact theirs is no lineup for it to fit into is its greatest detriment… There’s not a single tank from 10.0-10.7. It’s almost exclusively used in top tier environments it’s not meant for, because who in their right mind would want to uptier their lineups just for the effective use of an SPAA? (Me… I did, and it wasn’t worth it lmfao)

The fact it gets thermals do help quite a lot though, at spotting though, not tracking and locking in the fog…

Just a really suffering nation with its horrible armor on the Massive MBTs along with lack of viable SPAA options for higher tiers is really killing my interest in playing the nation… the win rates are reflecting this as well… only reason it isn’t the lowest in win rate is that it isn’t Russia or USA, and can get paired with actually capable teams

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Forget about the KH-38, KH29 can destroy you even if it doesn’t exist X)
I shall call it the quantum missile from now on


targetting of the su 25 :

Su25 dies, i target his missile :

I successfully shoot down his missile

not a tacview error, it disappears physically after explosion :


Check battle logs bottom left : i just got killed by the exact same missile i destroyed a few seconds earlier X)

Welp, time to bug report i guess, probably some client / server miss coordination or something


quick note and slightly off topic, aster 15’s minimal range is less than 2km, and 3.5km on Aster 30, despite being VLS

Everything on that missile is thrust vectoring basically, be it the booster or the “terminal dart” as they call it. The middle fins have a hole for lateral thrust, as seen in the picture below :



As for the rest, i kind of agree, long range SAM with separated radars would be a pain to implement. Italy needs something to be on part with the rest though. I wouldn’t mind if Gaijin did some mental gymnastics for them to access VT-1s, pantsirs, ADATS or whatever

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