Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Just use jas-39 lol

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That’s not an SPAA.


SPAA’s are generally useless against pilots who knows what they are doing, only Pantsir can be threat to experienced pilots and even then Pilot will most likely come out on top.


Yes, but there are no alternatives

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Exactly why there should be. That’s the problem. Besides, spawning a gripen costs a lot more spawn points than spawning a spaa.

Plus you have to grind through the entire air tree

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Helicopters? close-integration CAS?

can’t talk for mavs, i d’ont have those. But getting a lock at 12km seems optimistic, maybe someone who played them can infirm/confirm, but yes, f16s are also annoying

For M2K, assuming the enemy AA is a pantsir, a TOR, or a flakrad, i wouldn’t say evading is “easy” at least not while lasering. The fight is still at the advantage of the plane, but at least you have to fight for your kill. Still too one-sided in favor of the mirage if you ask me.

Now tell me : did this su25 fight for his kill ? His label is hidden by his missile’s label, but he’s basically at the same distance


Cause it sure as hell doesn’t seem like it. I intercepted 2 of his missile earlier, but this one was fired so far it went ballistic and by the time it was close enough to be detected, it was over my radar scan angles.

So basically, i’m supposed to track his KH38 with the good old Mk1 eye ball.

That is why i would advocate for :

  • lowering AAMs only loadouts to be first spawn-able, while still being expensive, like helis with rockets only
  • getting a reward for intercepting enemy missiles, it’s becoming more and more common these days

İf Su-25 can do it with its Kh-38 so does any plane that carry Mavericks will do.

12km is nothing special in this case, in good weather you can actually engage targets from 15km’s with targeting pod.

Recommend to use Mavericks when you get them, tho you might not like the damage output against Mbts.

İts quite easy because DAMOCLES has insane angles that allows you to basically kite away while giding the Nords. Never had any problems against Sam systems while using my Mirage2k-5F.

Tell me: Does F-16 or any other plane that has Mavericks fights for their kills, especially against SPAA’s?

Only Barak-II and German Tornado has to work really hard to get kills in environment where Spaa’s targets them, rest of those planes doesnt require too much skill against regular players.

So you knew missile was coming on your way and you didnt have a chance to intercept it but instead of taking a cover or switching a position you decided to sit on same place, not a smart move considering even Mavericks would have killed you in that situation.

Just like Mavericks.

İm always open for new ideas but i seriously dont understand why Su-25 suddenly became a complain material even tho other jets was already doing same thing for a good amount of time.

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Dunno about the rest but 65B Mavericks will only lock within 8km. Any further and they target the ground, not a vehicle.

Same for Kh-38, after certain range it does locks on ground and unlike Mavericks Kh-38 loves to go stupid and become moon program.

İf you’re gonna use Mavericks from 10+km distance it should be against Spaa players, not against actively moving targets.

Also i never had issues with AGM-65D while i was using against moving targets from 10-12km’s,reason might be Better seeker tho.

No actually, i was targetting a helicopter at that time (red square behind the roland 3).

Not a lot no, but they have to get inside pantsir’s range at least. That Su25 didn’t.

unless you have a TWS radar that appears to show them without having to look for them… I think TOR and pantsir both have this capability, not sure about TOR

That i can agree

I think that has to do with what i said earlier about f16 and pantsir. F16 doesn’t have to fight hard, but pantsir can theorically hit it if the pilot just goes straight. Basically one plane has to go in the theorical max range of enemy SPAA while the other doesn’t. I’d also argue KH38 is faster than maverick, making the intercept window shorter. If the missile doesn’t fuse, getting a second try is dangerous, and if the pilot fired multiple missiles, you can forget about surviving. Regarding moving behind cover, i try to do it, but this thing is slow as f***, and those tiny maps don’t encourage “maneuvering” with SPAAs

In this particular case, there is no counter, except this of course :


But then again, not a first spawn, and it’s only because some KA50 decided to go high at 3km. Otherwise, it was basically GG next game, or cope with a tank by spamming smoke.

Fair enough. My CAS is far from perfect, but i sometime lose lock while avoiding a missile or cranking too aggressively. Also i use 2000D because… Well idk why actually X)

So you got caught off guard.

Yea and if you know where Pantsir is and you know how to cordinate your attack you will survive against Pantsir most of the time(tho its not fully possible on some maps).

So rather then Su-25 the real problem is the Pantsir i assume? Tbh i also think Pantsir was a mistake and shouldnt be added this early.

Problem is Kh-38’s often does stupid things beyond 12km’s tho this issue occurs on Mavericks sometimes.

True but i gotta say yesterday enemy Ito managed to shot down my 3 kh-38 rapidely tho 4th one actually managed to get him, kudos to that player.

Well its better then nothing, once you got mobility parts it actually becomes mobile enough to move around fast.

Try 2000-5F, that DAMOCLES pod makes huge difference.

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sry if my message disappeared, i missclicked and couldn’t revert back

Yes and no, Yes because i wasn’t expecting a missile, No because i knew he (the SU25) was at 15~20 km and i had to deal with it. He fired a second one at 15km which i was monitoring when his first one hit me X)

More limited time window, but the f16 being a better airframe can do more attack runs on a set amount of time, so i can agree somewhat on that one.

The combination of both on the same team is the problem, i’d say

France had a similar “problem” when ITO90 and Mirage 2000D were in their prime. Except no one cared because they were rarer. Honestly playing those 2 in a match required taking a shower right after.

Possible, but depends on how the missiles were fired. Missile stocks are also a problem.

On that one i have to disagree. SANTAL yes, but this thing no, unless you got a 10° slope with a 4 lanes asphalt highway (and even then, it’s a one way trip). And the map design is still terrible

I will have to give it a go indeed.

Those are missile slingers, and most IFV’s can take them out if they’re actually close.

What does this mean? If a CAS plane at top tier is out of missiles or bombs they go back to the airfield to restock, no one smart is just using their guns (and again, most IFV’s can deal with that).


So why would anyone play an SPAAG that has little to no chance against tanks when they could just play an IFV and have capability against both tanks and helicopters?

Then play an IFV? You get the Freccia, the KF41, the VCC-80/25, the CVV-80/30, the VBC…

Can you tell me which of these are as effective as an OTOMATIC or a SIDAM 25 / MiStrAL?

So you agree that there is no point in saying SPAAGs are useful at top tier, and unless Gaijin gives Italian ground players the entire air tree for free, Italy needs a new (actually viable) SPAA?

No? When did I say that?

I’m saying that SPAAGs are effective as SPAAGS, simple as. You’re the one misdirecting towards IFVs which clearly do not serve the same purpose, nor have the same capabilities by leagues.

As for the SPAAGs and the argument of “muh range!!1!”, every SPAA in the game can be outranged by CAS. The F-16C and Gripen can launch munitions from 20km, as well as bombs from 16-20km, while things like the AV-8B+ can do it out to 10-12km. The Mirage 2000-5F or Mirage 4000 can easily climb up to 8-9km+ to lob bombs, something which most SPAA cannot hit with a 5-6km ceiling, let alone detect with the only radar capable of 80dg+ sweeps being the Pantsir… With horrible fidelity.

Everything gets outrange by anything. The Su-25SM3 having the ability to do the same is nothing special, and the counter to it is the exact same…

An air to air missile.