Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

That fuel explosions. We talked about ammo explosion. They don’t work the same. After that screen with ammo explosion on it1 where i asked more evidence about that (ammo explosion on it1) case you bring 5 fuel explosion screenshot. Although it takes 1 minute to record a video with it1 ammo explosion using GeForce or bandicam.

Ok. Let’s raise it. ez 2000 gold for you from stupid me if you repeat this with apfsds on my eyes.
shot 2024.03.23 11.46.49

Bruh. You can create 1-day acc in 5 minutes. Or simply call me and after the call drop me at black list so i would 100% never annoy you again. ez 2k gold dude.

Or you want me to find a mate with an It1 and we can do it at the custom game if you’re so concerned about anonymity for some reason?

I can even stream on youtube/twitch and you will give instructions for me in chat how to remake this screenshot. I ready to do anything to give you 2000 gold.

Ah there it is the good ol’l “I cant disprove you so I’m going to keep saying your sources are not good enough until I can produce a source that suits my argument”, no I’ve already proven my point.

You seem to think that GE means anything to me, I have this thing called a job and disposable income, if I wanted or needed GE I can get it.

Once again, I’ve already proven my point, I have no want or need to further engage with you outside of the forums or on other social media platforms, your want of this is just further proof that you have nothing productive to actually add to the conversation as you wish to take this away from a public domain and you still seek modified sources that benefit only you.

I’m sorry if using the standard test range is too difficult for you, but its not for me.

with antipersonnel performance approximately 70 percent of that of the M151 warhead

M247(HEAT, 2.0 lb (0.91 kg) of Comp. B4)

M151 ( HE 2.3 lb (1.04 kg) of Comp B4)

1.04 * 0.70 = 0.728kg, HE equivalence;

0.728 / 0.910 = 0.8

and that’s where the 80% comes from.

Thus the Maverick HEAT warhead has a explosive mass of 86lb *.8 = 68.8lb[31.21kg of Comp. B; RE factor of 1.3 and so has a TNTe of 40.6kg ] of HE.


So what’s the problem with giving me the full screen of this shot instead of the cutted one? You don’t want to give me one normal proof where there won’t be any unnecessary questions for you. It’s a matter of one or two minutes, though. You see how fast I’m making these videos for you.
shot 2024.03.23 11.46.49

I know that the fuel explosion will turn everyone black. i can easily replicate that.
I know that ammo explosion don’t turn guys black. And i can replicate that.
But your screenshot i can’t replicate. Well, i can if i would take HE or HEAT instead apfsds and then cut screenshot)

What i did wrong there? I shoot ammo of it1. It dies from ammo cook. Crew dont turn black. What did stupid me do wrong?

what was the br for test drive for it 1 to show lmao

antipersonnel performance HE equivalent. It depends a lot on the shrapnel part, not pure HE power. It is a very doubtful example to calculate average HEAT to HE conversion. It has a right to exist, but I have some doubts about it.

ye i do agree it does not make the crew go black dm12 front hull

Yep there we go again.

The image no longer exists as it was cropped from the original.

I’ve already given you normal proof, first you wanted a statement, then pictures now videos. No I am not going to play your little game.

Keep trying, I’m sure you can accomplish what I was able to do in a few minutes in, possibly a week or so given the current state of things.

I can go grab the fragmentation avoidance charts for the relevant warheads (M151 & M247) if you want. And its not as if the Maverick / HEAT warheads in general actually produce much fragmentation anyway so its fairly obvious there is an issue.

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Where i cant even tell what ammo you were using? Yeah, normal proof)

Oh great and smart Lolman345. Give a little part of your wisdom for pathetic and stupid БрИт4нСкUй_П0дС0С and say what did i do wrong here?

I’d like to remind everyone the Italians have to either use the OTOMATIC or Sidam (Mistral) to counter the SU-25SM3 (absolutely stupid).


Some nations literally have zero chance against Russian 15km low brain output CAS


now someone tell me why this thread devolved into agm talk and how much what can pen

go back to coping about sm3 pls

ah yes low brain output meanwhile f16 in outer space is what? einstein style planning?

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How is the F-16C an UFO? You can beat it in a Mig29 as long as its not the fatass SMT.

its G limiter is removed


IRL the F-15, F-14, F-18 could only pull to 8G (from an interview with a real F-14 pilot) while the F-16 pilots couldnpull to 9G and get behind them right after the merge.

Do you see F-15s and F-14s only being able to pull 8G in-game? Do you see pilots IRL pulling 12, 13, even 14G like we do in WT?

Thought so. The the G limiter has no place in-game and every aircraft is buffed to +50% its IRL structural limits.

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Also the F16 out rates it so you only lose due to skill issue or be at range

Which you can’t work around? its not as If either airframe only has a gun, even stock.


Yeah and the R73 with HMD is good but the 9Ms are still lethal

I was responding as this was the context of a turn fight

You cannot, i can make you experience it first hand if you want in a 1v1