Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

No worries.

İf i remember correctly those Pylons should be able take R-73’s, guess Gaijin didnt want to give 4 R-73 option.

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I am prty sure the outer pilons were mostly used for ECM only

Ah that makes senses then.

Not going to lie the ecm would make the jet more viable

Just to further this, the Pantsir search radar only provides target range and azimuth, its only its PESA track radar is capable of TWS;
Search, only Range and Azimuth.



PESA tracking radar, Velocity, Range, Target Direction and Azimuth for multiple targets. And thats only in the frontal arc of the tracking radar as well.


Yea it would be nice but ECM hasnt introduced so Su-25 have to patient just like other planes.

I mean su25 would be the best jet to test it out as it fights top tier jets in air RB while being ultra slow subsonic

Can be good test platform no doubt but real question is does gaijin wants to?

Su25sm3 barely comes close to cas of other tech trees. The first the only thermal cas plane on Russia. Enough said

Thermals meant nothing and Russia’s CAS was fine, I was able to outrange the ADATS and other anti air systems alike in my SU-39 let alone the SU-25SM3. Russia also had the best SPAA in-game so having the best CAS platform would just ruin top tier.

Best SPAA and CAS = recipe for disaster


Press f to doubt


I do believe the thermals add some dynamic to the tree, so it’s nice either way.

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You’re kidding. At this point in time Germany is the one nation that’s getting the short end of the stick (they’ve been there for a while now tbh) with their ASSTA 1 Tornado. 4 LGBs (max), bad thermal pod and… that’s it actually.

its pod is gen 2 right or is it bugged like the f16

No, it was nerfed to gen 1 quality (500x300).

You sure as i thought it was only the F16 that had that pod as gen 1

About 80% sure.

please check as i thought it was fixed

Don’t worry, you guys will get a F-4 with 4 Mavericks at 11.7 the next patch /s.

Remember, Komrade.

Russia Suffers.

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