Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Lmao. A4E Early (M), A4N “Ayit”, AMX, Super Etendard, Q-5L, Jaguar A/E, Jaguar Gr.1A, F-5E, Kurnass/F-4E…How many of these are premiums? I’m not even counting the train of american prop fighters with 4/5 1000lb bombs.

And how many of them got destroyed with their crew? Compare to Russian tanks they offer much better survivability for their operators which is the most vital thing when it comes to mbts, Meanwhile Russian crews reguarly visiting moon thanks to their Tanks design.

  1. less number of them in
  2. some already taken out
  3. i wouldnt say so, any crew bails after any damage cant rlly test survability that way

Except russian crews cant bail 90 percent of the time, shows how bad situation is.

Not a single one of those is OP though? Like you have the Jaguar GR.1 there, which is a 9.7 barely supersonic jet with two 9Gs, dumb bombs, and no counter measures. How on earth is that OP?

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Yeah, sure.
You can’t possibly suggest that a aircraft with 2 AGM-62 and 3 AGM-65A at 9.3 isn’t OP.

“How on earth is that OP?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Another Russia main who hasn’t touched any of the vehicles they are talking about. Vintage.


That thing is still pain on it’s br.
Now russian bias doesnt have strela even to counter it.
And 7E was quite nice on F&F armament.

We can keep this circle on memorylane, or keep talking about present.
And in present, Russian ground air support has to choose beetween Air combat, or Groundstriker.
There’s no “multirole” option like F16C, Gripen ,

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, for example it allows you to split the SP pool and so be more likely to actually manage to spawn a second aircraft.

So the -29SMT doesn’t exist?

Yes, i know it doesn’t have thermals, the F-16C doesn’t have TVC missiles (even though it could), or access to the majority of its true potential ordnance / stores. Doesn’t make it a bad aircraft.


Fair enough, downside is on that majority part. It truly loses a lot from air superiority when installing Kab or 29tv. Comparing on F16C or F15. Leaving it having only 2 aa missiles. depending what you take.

You do know you don’t need to take axial symmetrical loadouts, let alone take a full one. You could take a pair of R-27(Ex)s, R-73s and up to two F&F ordnance items & External Fuel assuming that fuselage stations don’t block one another.

it probably a good idea to create the mixed loadouts so you have the flexibility to deploy them if you feel extended A2A combat is likely. You can even jettison stores to lighten the aircraft as well if need be.

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Yes, I know. But I also keep 2 air to ground missiles / bombs way too less for GrB. Especially on top tier, where 'aa’s can and will shoot em down also.

Very few (Non Russian)SAM systems available at top tier actually included cannon armament, so them actually managing to shoot them down, let alone notice (due to lacking TWS) them means they probably aren’t focusing on your aircraft, so how exactly they noticed the launch would be questionable.

Also the fact that they didn’t set off the proximity fuse until recently made it that much harder after the guided missile control changes.

Additionally even having them expend missiles increases the likelihood that they will fail in future since they would need to go and and reload on a cap point, meaning they aren’t at their post, and it reduces their magazine depth in future encounters if they are reattacked before they can reload so its not completely a zero sum game.

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The only AA you’ll regularly see shooting any ordnance down is the Pantsir, which the SMT conveniently doesn’t face.

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germany needs a better spaa, this is actually f painful having ru and usa monkeys matched together (they still lose lmfao) but the cas gets so cancerous the shitty flakbus can’t keep up. i.e 2 kamov 50 rushing another 2 52s spamming vikhrs and more f16c above being aids and of course the new occasional su25sm3

Tws is helpful in that case. But if you fly above the pansir it can’t do nothing. It’s tracking radar is broken in many cases

Ok. I have to tell that to Ito/flakbus players what I faced yesterday , that you cant shoot tv missiles down, Yeah, pantsir works nicely unless there’s quided bomb, and somehow aa missiles doesnt do a thing against those. Least last time I tryed to shoot GBU down , it ate 2 missiles and still landed on top of me :D

Surprised when usually germany is with sweden and they dominate tanks.

Yep, you track target A, what is enemy F16 etc, Target B flies past, teammates missiles, enemy missile etc and it starts tracking it , and loses lock from A, and then it’s sometimes a pain to aguire lock back on A, when it still tryes to take lock again on B. But that is another story of it.

I thought the Pantsir radar was one of the best in terms of elevation azimuth?

Good luck getting above a Pantsir though. You need to be 15km+

Those two SPAA don’t even have cannons, so they are relying on shooting down ordnance with their SAMs, whilst also trying to engage the CAS.


The search/scan radar is unmatched. I usually don’t have trouble getting above them but it takes more effort. You need to climb and get fast 20km away and then close in, at range you can crank-dodge their missiles. Works with f16C and maybe the tomcat and other similar in performance aircraft