Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

What altitude do you climb to?

8k meters or more, since they usually always have their radar up, once the rwr stops pinging its a good mark to start slowly closing in (you must maintain a good speed to agility ratio) just in case they target you

I must be unlucky, because any time I climb to 10km in the F-16C, and then start coming towards the battlefield at speed, pantsirs still manage to hit me if I don’t keep aggressively weaving back and forth.

They dominate ground but they never spawn Spaa, like almost never. Meaning ussr&usa on the same team should almost always win in the end. Actually it’s funny, russian players don’t know what capturing is, they will try to spawncamp while the enemy team has 3 caps. It’s so noticeable how more powerful they are on a 2 cap game (forgot the name). usa players on the other hand are just bad

Cause he can easily track you from distance while you’re in high altitude.

Pantsir’s blindzone is basically 90 degree above which is practically impossible to reach 90 percent of the time not to mention any skilled Pantsir player will start tracking you from distance and keep locking on you in order to prevent getting into blindzone in the first place.


I get caught by them as well every now and then. I forget the firing band isnt illuminated on planes rwr. Also possibly console players can use their cheat track to make up for the faulty radar

Because the Pantsir can and will touch it

It the only PESA radar in the game

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Russia has the SMT, and whilst it isn’t as good as the 16C or Gripen, Russia also gets:
Some of the best MBTs
Better Light tanks
The best SPAAs
The best helicopters

I think that kinda makes up for it.


Honestly i was expecting thermal targeting pod for SMT rather then new Su-25 with this uptade.

İm kinda dissapointed but also excited to try new frogfoot.


Did it ever have a thermal pod

i know the SU30 had the possibility of having one

just dont play anything above 10.3 in GRB, let those russian mains fight eachother or die in eternal queues until gaijin stops with their bias

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yeah nah youre a certified british player i see, russia has bad stats at top tier check it out yourself

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İt can equip with thermal pod as far as i know.

And my Tornado just got GBU’s at 11.3, which are impossible to use.

Yep. Germany suffers on air…
And lower br on ground

Can I have my CN SPAA with ground launched TY90’s pls

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I wish they would do a bit for Germany as they did for other nations … like with F-16J, Yak-38 and more. Just some minor stuff like Mavericks triple mounts for the F-4F or some standoff weapons for the Tornados. How should I use GBU’s which require permanent laser locks and relative proximity to the battlefield, while there are Pantsirs with 20km range? Its just bollux, it doesn’t work.

Others get whole fantasy jets added and for Germany everything needs to be so damn hyper historical. No…Ger just used Mavericks single mounts. No… Tornado can’t even mount GBU-24 on its wing pylons, cause…dunno. How fair is it if for one nation aren’t any compromises, while other get blueprint stuff with top equipment.


what about the yak 38?

uh huh sure.

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