Changing the phyzics of planes on light or open top AA tanks

Peticion Title: Improve War Thunder’s Realism by Incorporating Impact Damage into Gameplay

Peticion : I, like many others, am an avid player of Gaijin Entertainment’s War Thunder. There’s an immersive quality to this game, a thrilling essence that draws millions together. But as dedicated players, we deeply desire a sense of realistic gameplay. One issue undermines this - the current in-game physics do not accurately represent the impact damage when a plane crashes into an open-top AA gun/tank at high speed.

For instance, imagine flying a plane in a high-stakes battle, knowing full well you have nothing to lose. Your only adversary: a single AA gun. So why not take it down in a blaze of glory, going at a speed of 250Mph? Realistically, the impact should either destroy or severely damage the AA gun or tank. However, in War Thunder, these realistic incidents are currently not accurately simulated.

This gap in realism not only diminishes the game’s overall quality, but also reduces the thrill and excitement intended for the players. As much as this detracts from the experience for players like me, it also hampers the potential growth of Gaijin’s thriving community of passionate gamers.

This petition calls on Gaijin Entertainment to modify their physics engine, allowing for realistic damage modelling when planes crash into open-top AA guns or tanks. Let us strive for realism, richness, and responsibility in our shared digital battlefield. Share this goal? Sign this petition, and together, let’s make War Thunder a more immersive, engaging experience.

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