Changing ammo

Maybe google would help you understand that.

Thx a lot for your condescending attitude. I was trying to understand your point but I’m realising that you’re a lost cause.

Have a good day and from now on I’ll only respond to people who actually have something interesting to say.

You’re the one wanting to define cycling a round… Like you haven’t watched a movie or anything related to firearms, whilst playing a war game…

Yeah, “Use APHE” is the point I was trying to make, it wasnt “use the best ammo available”. You are the reason why this game sucks.

In a way it is realistic not to be able to change the bullet that you already have in the barrel, since in reality it can be done but apparently it is quite problematic, what would have to be done is that when you hit someone that does not come out from where they have been shot and apart from the fact that when they hit you, your crew is shocked for a few seconds, because let’s be realistic, someone is hit and they are not all calm fighting. What they should be able to do is be able to reload the weapons they have charger, like automatic cannons.

Lol where does that come from ?
I’m saying that there’s no APHE at all in some tech trees.

Oh my god…

So you don’t see where the problem is when using APDS against let’s say an Ystervark ? For a lot of tanks, that’s the “best” ammo.

Sherman II!!!

Thats why you have machine guns.

You understand me perfectly well … then let’s say the ZS3M

When in doubt, shoot the turrent


I wanted to do some experiments using smoke bullets, and I realized that with the current way of changing bullets it’s not practical.

I commonly have smoke rounds as my first rounds… then all I do is pop a smoke over top of everything onto the enemy side, and can reload when I stop popping smoke to the ire of my teammates trying to ‘snipe’… It’s wonderful.

The best option would be for game to allow the player to have option of not having automatic loading turned on and have empty breech. So he can load shell he needs at the moment and reload manually if he wants.

Similar situation is with transmission. One can use manual gear shifting or automatic.

That would be the most realistic approach but the problem is that in WT, most figthing occurs up close so you’d still want to always have a shell in the breech.
Especially on some tanks that have a big reload time, that would not be viable for them. It would massively benefit tanks with autloaders.

Yes, but being able to change shell would also use reloading time as you cannot change shell faster than reload time (in fact it should be longer) so it would be the same for tanks with big reload times and autoloaders.

Yes but maybe something like loading only a half of the ammo as a lot of heavy guns use two parts ammo and then you just change the warhead according to the ennemy you’re facing.

Warhead is an issue (realistically speaking) as it goes in first and its jammed into rifleing for rifled guns. Taking out charges is easy. For rifled guns one needs to push shell backwards from the top of the barell.

For smoothbore guns taking shell out is easier but also time consuming (IRL).

There are probably too many different procedures for taking out shell they gave up on it. The same as they gave up on historical gun/commander sights as there are too many vehicles. So we are left with custom sights someone make if he has will/time to do it.

Yes that’s true but I think that sometimes realism can be ignored for the sake of the gameplay.
Changin shell isn’t vital but it could be a nice feature as it would improve gameplay and offer differents playstyles.
There are already some other unrealistic features so maybe we could introduce it, may it be only for arcade or some other way.