Changing ammo

It’s not off-topic though…

Umm, that’s why the system isn’t implemented, as I said, it’s been mentioned before, a lot…

Why would there not be a need to change shells pray-tell? Do you not think that targets vary or something ‘in real life’ or something?

What’s that got to do with anything about the need to change shells, let alone, is that even what the OP was mentioning, or you’re just throwing in a whataboutism that is genuinely off-topic?

Fact is I said what I said, and the OP understood it, but you seem to have not.

Listen, the OP used these exact words “just to know if I was understood” while replying to you. Zekken also corrected you.

Either you don’t understand what we’re talking about or either you don’t play the game often enough …

As the OP and other people said, sometimes you encounter a lightly armoured target that needs 1 HE shot to be dealt with instead of 3 AP shots, that’s when you want to change your ammo type without shooting and giving away your position.
Again, IRL that’s not a problem because an AP shell anywhere in a AA truck breaks it in half, but not in game.

Now, I’m sure you’re convinced to be right but take a minute to reread the topic and you’ll see that you’re saying only 2 things that don’t help the situation:
1: it’s not how it works IRL so it shouldn’t be in game
2: something about the spawn I didn’t even understand.

Nah man, honestly, the fact is that I know this has been asked for a lot, and it’s known as a reason why it’s not a thing in the game.

The way I said it may have been misunderstood by you, or you want to misunderstand it simply to argue, but the fact is it’s clear to those who want to read and know.

(I stand by this statement and whoever flagged it merely can’t handle the argument based)

You said that it wasn’t in game because it’s not how it works IRL, yes or no ?

I actually said that there’s no way anyone would be jumping out of the tank mid-engagement to ram-rod a damn shell out through the barrel.

Stop trying so hard to have an argument, especially when you even proclaim you don’t understand what I said…

This is absolutely irrelevant. It’s about changing the shells, regardless of the ‘reason’ to do so.

I’ll take that as a yes then.

You can’t distinguish those two factors ! You’re playing a game which means that mechanics need to be implemented when there’s a need to do so.
By following your logic, the crew replacement system is stupid since no one will come out of nowhere on a very disputed zone and just board a tank.
Furthemore, they won’t come out to ram-rod a shell from the barrel but you’re ok with the fact that they come out to repair said barrel in 20 seconds ?

The game needs a system which allows you to change shells, especially since HE has been reworked and is now essential. I don’t care how it will be made or how unrealistic it would be since there are tons of other mechanics that arent’ realistic but that make the game fun and enjoyable as a player.

You can take it any way you wish, the OP understood it but you obviously don’t.

It’s irrelevent to the reason to change the shell though.

But if they don’t exist IRL on that tank, then that’s just adding in things that don’t actually exist…

That’s just nitpicking to draw an argument to be honest… This isn’t anything to do with that mechanic, this is about unloading a shell, which many tanks couldn’t do…

It’s not that it’s needed, it’s that you want it… And that reasoning isn’t a reason to just add it.

Again, other mechanics in game are unrealistic but needed because they are fun and contribute to the gameplay.
Didn’t here you over the magical repairs though.

And the other way around, you don’t. That’s why we are polluting this thread with nonsense arguments since you clearly won’t change your opinion whatever I say.

None of this has anything at all to do with the topic of this thread, hence why I didn’t address it.

Well, you are… The question was answered, you’ve only come in here to post whataboutisms.

My opinion is formed because I asked about this years back, and that was the answer I got from the tech mods at the time.

Who’d have thought that would be a thing, right?..

I think you need to go find a better avenue for ‘engagement’ bud, as I’m done with your nonsense.

It is since it’s countering your only argument which is “it’s not IRL”.

Lol nice last minute edit, I was about to quote your “came here to confront me” when I don’t remember being the first to be aggressive.

Yup, all is said here. Things change. They also said that they would not add modern day vehicles.

At last

You’re doing a fine job in fixating on me and my responses so much you’ll bring any machanic in to play whataboutisms all day long…

Just because I’m actually confident in what I’ve said and stand by my statements, it may scare you, or feel like you need to debate it, but the fact of the matter is that the reason that no shell switching happens, is because it doesnt happen IRL…

Just because you want it, isn’t enough of a reason to have it added.

Repair and crew replenishments happen IRL, and that is a thing.

Maybe you really need to figure out why you are posting here, are you trying to help the player, or are you merely trying to just be argumentative, because that is all I’m seeing for you trying to throw out all these whataboutisms and nonsense that isn’t related to the actual thread, other than in your mind.

Thought you were done mate ?

I am done with your nonsense, I’m not done with you…

Well then private messages exist if you’re not “done with me”

PMs are just so hidden, I’d rather thave this out here…

The fact of the thread is that shell switching doesn’t happen because the earlier tanks definitely didn’t have it, and it required the shell to be cycled, or a ram-rod to push the shell back…

Just because you want something added, doesn’t forgo it needing to have basis IRL.

The thread is about changin ammo without having to shoot it, wasting a shell and giving away your position. Shell switching is a proposal made to deal with that issue because it is simple and intuitive, but there can be other solutions.

I understand that tanks could not do that but since AP shells don’t have their real damage output, maybe it could be a good idea to bend the rules and allow an easier ammo switch.

Indeed it is…

And who’d have thought that choosing your round, before you spawn, would be a thing…

And that is nothing to do with the mechanic to switch a shell, it’s just a ‘reason’ for making it so, but it’s not actually a good one to validate having it.

That’s where I don’t get you. Yes I could spawn with an HE loaded but the first ennemy I will encounter will most likely be an armoured target against which I need AP.
The concern is changing shell mid/late game where you encounter SPAA and other light targets.

Because you don’t want to get me…

Then you need to cycle your rounds…

Again, you need to cycle your rounds.

What’s cycling a round ?