Just to know if I was understood: For example
I have 2 types of ammo that I use in my tank. The main one is labeled 1 . The other is 2.
I want to use 2, but to do so I have to get rid of, by shooting, ammunition 1.
Is there any better way to do this?
This is bad, because if you are shooting at an opponent, and you need to use another type of ammunition, you waste time before using the other type of ammunition.
i don’t think you can.
it’s either gaijin does not want to or they have a report/document that states unshot shell should not be extracted from the gun, either way you should just shot your shell to change it.
and modern tank like Abram have a combustible cartridge, so if you tried to extract a shell from the gun it can just extract the steel case base and leave the combustible cartridge and the round in the gun, which make you cannot operate the gun. because it stuck in there.
I think it would be a good idea to introduce a mechanic like the one in WoT (only good mechanic they have) where you can change the ammo without firing.
This would be interesting since HE has become very important today and is usually a second choice ammo.
Sure some will say that’s it’s not realistic but IRL crews don’t load the gun until they have a target to shoot at so it could be a way to compensate.
They mean during game, not before you spawn. As in if you had AP loaded and an AA truck appeared so you wanted to reload HE. You currently have to fire the AP round to reload, giving your position away and possibly spooking the target you are loading said HE shell for.
Then suggest the ability to spawn in with an empty chamber. The reasons for not having shell switching on the field is a long explained reason, and whilst some tanks may have the ability to do so, this leads to a want for ‘everything’ to do it.
So the best option would be to have a ‘do not load on spawn’ toggle…
It’s hinting that someone won’t get out of the damn tank mid-battle to ram-rod a shell out of the breach…
The fact that I said about the spawn screen was mentioning that’s the ONLY way to do it currently, and the reasoning behind the shell switch not being a thing…
The issue with people trying to prove me wrong, is that I don’t care if you think I’m wrong.
Further-more, it’s been mentioned many times prior on the old forum, and the same reasoning is provided each time… It doesn’t happen IRL on the earlier tanks, and it’s only more modern ones that they have a feature that compares, but isn’t commonly used.
(I stand by this statement and whoever flagged it merely can’t handle the argument based)
It’s that if it was implemented, it’d be double reload time of normal.
Say your reload is 8 seconds, 16 to swap ammo without shooting in order to be realistic.
IRL crews would just fire the gun to swap ammo for safety & speed reasons.
Cause your 11.7 tank doesnt really have APHE shell? So if you meet something light where APFSDS doesnt create enough spall or overpens it, then HE is the way to go. Also HE is good for campers behind stuff where all you see is commander hatch, lob that 3OF26 or its chinese equivalent on it to send it into space.
Lol, calm down man, not my fault if you’re off topic.
We’re not talking about what happens IRL here, otherwise there won’t even be a need to change shells. A 120mm shell in the cabin of a truck just obliterates the thing IRL, but not in game. That’s why you need such an unrealistic mechanic.
I guess it could be tweaked to be less then double, especially with tanks that already have a high reload time but that’s the idea.
I prefer to take a little more time loading the right shell rather than giving away my position, having the target running away and then waste another shell to reload AP.