Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

What are your thoughts on this thread, any insights to any of the points made, or a bigger picture that we aren’t taking into account?

Ammo is like that in WT though. That’s consistent.

Neglected? lolwat?
Britain gets more attention than Germany & Soviets.
There’s no such thing as armor nerfs in WT.
Challenger’s weight comes from its size, not the armor composition.

Event vehicles going to USA, Germany, Soviets, & British means more vehicles for the TECH TREE of other nations.
It’s a good thing event vehicles go there, cause it leaves more free vehicles for tech trees with less vehicles.
There’s no favoritism.

More wrong info.

Soviet tanks aren’t all powerful. Not sure why you two are defending them this much.
You want Leopard 2A4 going back to 10.0 as well? Or do you just want British bias?

“Supporting nation” isn’t a thing outside of being a wrong opinion.
I use Challenger 2 identically to T-80BVM with success.
WMA301 currently sits at a higher BR than its equivalents.
Rooikat is superior to the WMA301 in speed, size, weapon handling, and ammo. Which is why it’s 9.3 & not 9.0.
Even the Rooikat MTTD is superior in speed, size, & weapon handling.

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I believe you misunderstood my comments for you to come to this conclusion.

It is widely reported that the Challenger has in-accurate armor, and is penned too easily

Its been widely reported that soviet tanks have overperforming armor

This is the Challenger Mk2 not hte Challenger 2. These are 2 very different tanks.

if the WMA301 was on a nation like Britain, Italy, france, or japan, it would defiently be 9.7


No, if WMA301 was for Britain it’d be 8.7 or 9.0.
There is no 9.7 tank equivalent to WMA301, as all are vastly superior.

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I’d quite confidently say that the WMA301 has superior mobility and firepower to the challegner Mk2

A round that pens 17% less, armor that’s over 90% less, a non-existent reverse speed, no gun depression [which makes the ATGM backup pointless]. So faster top speed is all it has.
I’ll take Rooikat.

As I said the Leo gets speed and magic kraut space armor.

Yeah russian tanks are all powerful. I even took out my old german KV for shits and giggles and I had to do was hold W and win.

I dont think you actually play the game. I have clips after clips of shots into RU tanks that should cripple them and it does nothing.

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Armor is similar to Chally 1s.
Congrats, you took out an M4A2 and people didn’t shoot your weak spots.
Having clips of wiffed shots proves little.
I have clips of ammo racking over 90% of T-80s I come across in the first shot.
2nd shot if I need to yeet their breech first… being the rest of the kills.
It proves nothing.

Hellcats shermans and everything else couldnt do anything to me.

I’m glad your donations to the snail have favored your RNG.

There is no doubt that Russian tanks are overperforming, and other top tier tanks are underperforming, there are too many reports and threads on the topic to ignore that there is no problem


What RNG? Ammo explosion is only RNG is 1 fragment [or similarly small amount] hits ammo.
Ammo explosions are guaranteed if most or all your spall fragments go through the ammo.

Red dot = partial pen.

Straight side shot into the ammo rack. Nothing.

Not always true. I’ve direct hitted ammo with a shell, and it only went yellow (I wish I had recorded it)

But if you now take the T-72 TURMS, its impossible to pen that thing in the turret. YOu have to aim for its underside to do any damage. Meanwhile the Challys should be really hard to pen in the turret. but are laughablly easy

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That’s the issue with people asking for spalling, it makes hitting ammo with most of the fragments difficult.
The amount of times my Abrams ammo didn’t cook off his FAR higher than T-80 [100% cook off rate].
Cause only a few fragments hit.


I’ll say TURMS is in a weird place.
But is also an exception to the rule rather than the rule.

Yeah thats uh ALL the fragments going into his rack and passing through a bunch of the rounds.

And literally just cruised on and got blasted by a hellfire.

This happens to me all the time regardless of caliber. Which is either the point of russian tanks being to strong or british ammo not performing like it should - and now we are at this thread asking for the better round to maybe have a better chance at making them go boom.

I think most if not all Premiums in and around 10.0 need a review. I think some like the TURMS and the 2S38 are overperforming, WMA301 is probably too low in my opinion 9.3 is a minimum I think. But many others are need of shifting, +/- 0.3.

CHally DS Probably needs either L26 or better armour or a BR drop. their current BRs are based upon keeping them at 10.0 for premium balance, but now we;ve got Higher BRs then they could and should be shuffled a little.

Even if nothing actually changes, I think giving them that review, and speaking with the community is a needed action


If WMA301 goes to 9.3, Rooikat 105 to 9.7, and so forth.
But I’m of the opinion that ALL light tanks are under-BR’d and scouting doesn’t give enough rewards.

Scouting doesnt even work half the time.

I dont care if the Rooikat goes up I bring it in my 10.0 lineup anyways.

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