Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

I’d like to see scouting drones added to SPAA and I think planes need recon pods. Like the Tornado

I see a number of WMA301 being brought as second spawns in 10.0+ matches and it does not struggle to get kills.

Britain gets more attention than Germany & Soviets.

Oh please try to prove this one


as they get their FOURTH SU25

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Yeah, im not sure why he thinks that. (looks at the tornado Gr1 that was added way later than it should have been or the pile of bug reports for a number of vehicles that have been sat there for months if not years)

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me still waiting for the amraam

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Me still waiting for Red Tops to be finished

Like the red tops on the lightning?

Cause they were good for a bit now they are useless.

Yeah, and Sea-Vixen. They were okay, but not very realistic but about a year ago they were nerfed through the floor and were un-usable. They’ve gotten some minor tweaks and are now usable but bad. But still a fraction of what they should be. Its one thing waiting for a missile not even in teh game yet, but desperately needed and another waiting for a missile that ahs been in the game for years to actually be usable.

imagine giving a 9.3 jet good missiles when it now has to flight planes with all aspect missiles

Red Tops and SRAAMs should actually be All-aspect, that is one of the key areas they aren’t realistic

Note, these are all things I love.
2 TES, Black Night, 2E, Tornado F3 & IDS, Rooivalk, GR7, Bosvark.

Many vehicles have active bug reports depending on time & level of research needed to fix them.
Me waiting for Abrams & Leopard 2 to have their correct over-engine gun depression.
Leclerc armor.
Torque converter simulation improvements.
CITV channels for tanks with multiple thermal cameras.
Correct 23G overload of Aim-9G & H.

We’re not even at AMRAAM BRs yet, patience.

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Except in my experience and opinion. Its usually the soviet stuff that gets patched and fixed first.

Tornado Gr1 underperforms in ARB

Gaijin: “CM overhaul and ECMs are coming at some point in the future, no ETA”

9 months later, no changes.

Su-39/Su-25 underperforms in ARB

Gaijin: “here take the most OP IR missile that we can give you, the R-73”

barely 2 months later, changes are likely due ASAP

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i heard they made them all aspect but i have never seen on do all aspect so i dont know if thats true or not

I have, maanged once to get Red Tops to fire in all-aspect. But it ONLY works if the target is both on reheat and super-sonic, in a head on, with radar lock. reality is, the window for all-aspect should be a lot larger.

I cant find the bug report about their range, but should have a rear aspect range of about 2.5km if I recall correctly

The R-73 is necessary because without it adding more IRCCM missiles becomes vastly more difficult.
And no, there are countless Soviet bugs that aren’t fixed.
2S38 has a similar system to HSTV-L where the entire thing is a first stage. In WT it’s similar to the CV 90s.
ECM is obviously a missing feature currently.
Yak-28B still has the fuel starvation bug.
Mig-29 has incorrect fuel consumption according to the in-game time estimator for full mil power, & sources from the manufacturer. [I actually reported this one.]

Note, these are all things I love.

Ok? What are you getting at

My point is all nations get attention.

The R-73 is necessary because without it adding more IRCCM missiles becomes vastly more difficult.

This has nothing to do with UK getting shafted by decisions like this

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Except for the fact AMRAAMs are extremely high chance [essentially guaranteed] this year, and if they test R-73s now, that gives them indication on when & where Aim-9Ms can be.
Both of which help Britain.