Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

Some vehicles could be retrofitted with flare packs/pods then and they are missing them.

Still waiting for the Phimat pod. (which is just chaff but it seems like it was just dropped)

I’m sure the devs are already aware that rank 6 is entirely unplayable for 90% of jets. It’s been that way for years…plenty of suggestions have been given but gaijin has never taken any

Taking it back to the thread. Please can you pass along to developers that a fair few of the community would like to see L26 shells on the chally DS, even if that results in a 0.3 BR rise.

For both

A) historical precendent
B) Balance/buffing a underperforimg premium.

The chally ds only faces uptiers currently. And L23A1 struggle. With such an easy option available to give it what it needs. It seems like more effort to not give it that buff. Especially as im my opinion. The DS/Mk2 probably need to go down to 9.7 at the moment.

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Wasn’t it 9.7 when it came out? And then they brought it up?

But yes this is what needs to to happen. Either go down to 9.7 or up to 10.3 with a new round - it would at least keep it out of the weird zone its in.

Practically every nation except Russia tbh

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I don’t see how giving this tank a better round will make it not underperform. It needs to just go lower in BR or have its armor fixed.

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Definitely untrue.

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Its going to struggle but at least you should pen from more extreme angles.

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Can’t speak for everybody but I would definitely rather be downtiered or have armor fixed

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They wont ever fix its armor - thats not an option.

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The sad thing is, a number of British vehicles have the capability to be a main asset rather than just support. Especially the Challenger 2’s which should be able to complete at all distances with the main 3 nations, i feel like these vehicle stats are purposely reduced in order to keep the British tree in this supposed role its meant to play.

Theres no reason the chally 2 cant be a brawler and a long range support asset if it had more realistic armour values.

Then I’d rather they all be downtiered until their armor starts working half the time

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Those options are better than having the vehicle suffer against a wide variety of obviously superior competition at its current BR

More realistic armour values is definitely one of my most sought after changes, but either a br change or shell additions would be a nice temporary fix.

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It would be nice if we received a proper reason from the developers as to why a vehicle renowned for its protection abilities, is so poorly moddeled in game.

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If it only ever see 10.3s-11 anyway, might as well give it a 10.3 shell instead of a 9.7 shell

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It has the asme pen as other 10.3s though, I’m really not getting the point of this entire thread.

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Feel free to submit suggestions for them. We don’t rule out Phimat and other pods like it in the future where possible.

Thr chally DS IS a chally Mk3. It should have the L26 present on the Mk3. Instead it was given L23A1 to artificially nerf it

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But they are in the game!!
They were tested on the Dev server - they exist and apparently they were having issues in the game.
However since then they simply just abandoned it.

That’s all the response we ever get. “we were having issues”.

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